Saturday, 14 April 2012

A case of infant botulism from honey dipped pacifier

A baby Scotland 16 weeks is treated for botyliasis (intestinal) in a hospital in Edinburgh. Reports say baby got the infant form of intoxication by sucking on a dummy (pacifier) in honey.

The boy is in critical but stable condition.

In the USA, there are about 100 cases reported annually botyliasis. It is the most common form of botulism. Infects children under 12 months of age, with most cases in infants 6 weeks 6 months.

Unlike food borne botulism, when a person ingests prodiamorfwmena toxin in foods, infant ingests the spores of the bacteria in food stuffs such as honey. The spores germinate in the intestine where producing bacteria which in turn reproduce and release toxin.

Bacteria may colonize the infant intestines, because normal gut bacteria that would compete with botulism bacteria are not fully installed.

Honey can contain spores (Clostridium botulinum), infants under 1 year old should be fed not honey.

Symptoms in the infant to start as constipation, weakness, poor suck and loss of head control. This can range from mild illness in sudden infant death. Disease is usually more severe in infants aged less than 2 months.

Some studies suggest that infant botulism can cause an estimated 5 percent of cases of sudden death (SIDS).

Intestinal Botulism occurs rarely in older children and adults.

According to the information botyliasis is quite rare in England with only six reported cases since 1976.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Avoid risks of food poisoning

If you've ever had food poisoning, for sure you are very careful what you put in your mouth. There are some nasties that can take you further and stronger than humans. It is the most common bacteria that causes food poisoning:

Salmonella (from raw eggs, poultry and vegetables contaminated) Staphylococcus aureus (usually exists in the nose and can spread the hands) Campylobacter jejuni (from poultry, beef, unpasteurized milk, insects and untreated water) E-coli (from meat or vegetables which have been in contact with baterium) (Clostridium botulinum) (bacteria that causes botulism usually home-canned foods, especially beans and tomatoes)

May not be your last meal

Typically, when a person gets food poisoning, they immediately from the last meal you ate. However, bacteria can sometimes take several minutes to multiply enough to make you sick, and some are more resistant. Can be two to three days after eating contaminated food, until you start having symptoms.

However, if there is already a lot of bacteria in a food when you eat, the stomach may react with vomiting to remove the poison within a short period of time.

Take these precautions when defining food

Be sure to wash your hands often, utensils and cooking surfaces. Use warm, soapy water to Wash your hands before and after handling food or preparation. Use warm, soapy water water to wash their utensils, surfaces including cutting boards and tuner. Safety starts when your purchases. Always make sure you keep raw meat separate from fresh fruits or vegetables. This will prevent cross-contamination. Make sure you can refrigerate or freeze food purchased within two hours. If the temperature is above 90 degrees in one hour.

Leftover food should be refrigerated as soon as possible and must be used within two days. If you are in doubt, throw away Defrost food properly. You can run cold water over food can thaw it, the thaw in the refrigerator or defrost in the microwave portion to 50 percent. Do not thaw at room temperature. Be sure to cook food at a sufficiently high temperature (between 145-165 F F). To be sure to purchase a food thermometer. Do not eat Uncooked meats, hotdogs or deli lunch Wash off all sprouts (soya, alfalfa, radish, clover) Do not eat raw cookie dough, dough cake or anything with raw eggs.

Food poisoning can be threatening to those weakened immune system. This could include the elderly, children, pregnant women and those with chronic diseases.

Cooking with raw eggs

The US Food and Drug Administration recently held (2009) that those who sell eggs received certain preventive measures during production, storage and transport to prevent salmonella poisoning. Make sure you buy eggs are Graded (preferably grade A) pasteurized and have no cracks or other deformities. Bacteria can enter the egg with a crack, even if it has been as good.

Salmonella poisoning can make you very sick. This can cause long-term disabling conditions and even fatal. Chronic arthritis, renal insufficiency, paralysis, seizures and mental disabilities have been linked to this toxic poisoning.

Certain foods, such as mayonnaise and Hollandaise Sauce on Vegan sauce made with raw eggs. It is important to refrigerate them and avoid the consumption of food leftover that use these products.

Symptoms of food poisoning

According to the Mayo Clinic, all foods contain a small amount of bacteria. However, if food is handled incorrectly, not cooked long enough or weren't safely, bacteria will multiply and can cause illness.

General symptoms include:

Nausea Diarrhoea Gut pain Vomiting Dehydration

If the poisoning is especially bad could experience

Rapid heartbeat Fainting or lightheadedness

What to do if you have food poisoning?

Keep hydrated Balance Do not take anti-diarrheal medication as your body needs to get rid of the poison

If you are ill for more than 48 hours, or bloody stools develop:

Get emergency medical help Call 911 if you feel weak and faint

If you suspect botulism, seek immediate medical assistance provision. Symptoms of botulism include:

Headache Blurry vision Muscular weakness Paralysis Difficulty breathing Dry mouth

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Bacterial food poisoning

The feeling of a cavernous stomach followed by nausea, vomiting, cramping and diarrhea, hours after a scrumptious meal is unfortunately all too often. This type of illness is brought on food and is referred to as food poisoning. While this is a common condition and is usually a fairly mild food poisoning may, in certain cases, lead to serious illness and even death.

The types of bacteria found on foods

Poisoning occurs when consumed, were not properly stored, prepared or cooked food. There is no blunder-proof way to detect if bacteria in foods, so you should take extreme vigilance in relation to the preparation.  Poisoning can occur when it is cooked food at home, or from friends and family or may happen in any restaurant. Even fine dining establishments charge a large amount of money for each dish eventually serve food with bacteria.

There are several types of bacteria that cause food poisoning. Some of the largest bacterial offenders are:

E-Coli bacteria o-this is probably the most common source of poisoning. E-Coli physically resides in the lower intestines of healthy people and animals but can cause disease when transported meat or vegetables and ingestion. Washing and cooking food thoroughly will kill this bacteria.

o disease botulism-causing bacteria after a Clostridium botulinum produces called Botulin toxin. Botulism in canned foods is often and can only be destroyed at high temperatures. If ever a can be seen bulging with air can contain Botulin. Cooking food at high temperatures it is very important to keep Botulism in the Gulf is very important.

o salmonella bacteria-this is generally in meat, eggs and egg-containing products and seafood. As with the other mentioned previously causes of salmonella poisoning, can only be killed at high temperatures. So eat raw food such as sushi or cookie dough may increase the likely hood of acquiring salmonella. Unlike the other bacteria mentioned, salmonella can have long-term effects. In some cases, salmonella disappears completely from the House ever.

Campylobacter bacteria-o is in undercooked or raw meat and poultry, unpasteurized milk and untreated water.

Food poisoning is usually neglect of the person preparing the food. It is not difficult to avoid poisonous bacteria, if all food cooked correctly. If a restaurant serves undercooked food leading to poisoning and properly did not warn visitors about the risks associated with raw food before the order, they may be held liable for losses.

To learn more about bacterial food poisoning, visit the Des Moines area lawyers.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Botulism information

Botulism is an infection that can be potentially fatal and is caused by a certain bacteria known as (clostridium botulinum). The toxins produced by clostridium botulinum is, according to science, one of the most powerful toxins that occur naturally.

They are known to attack our central nervous system and cause of the paralysis. If the condition is left untreated in paralysis can cause serious breathing problems and even death due to lung infection usually. There are three direct ways that a human can contract botulism. Food contaminated with bacteria as a result of food packed mistakenly is the most common cause.

Fortunately, botulism is a very rare condition, and there were only about 30 accounts foodborne Botulism in the United Kingdom over the past 25 years. Approximately 80 percent of the number also were linked to the same source. Although the disease is thought of as a rarity, since 2002 has been a sharp increase in the number of patients infected with botulism, which then led to two deaths.

Wound Botulism occurs when you open sores or wounds become infected. Use of intravenous drug such as heroin and cocaine have also been known to cause the condition. The influx of botulism cases has been reported that an immediate response to the growing problem with drugs in the United Kingdom. If treatment is sought the immediate outlook for patients who are often good.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Botulism recall-what you should know

Although most foodborne illness called "food poisoning" from the common man, more sickness caused by food poisoning, not per se, but treat bacterial infections that are ingested by eating food affected. However, there has been recent reports of an outbreak of food poisoning in good faith. Four victims were sickened with suspected botulism after recruiting hot dog sauce toxin thought to contain. 10-ounce cans of Castleberry's brands, Austex and Kroger hot dog sauce's best by dates from April 30, 2009, through May 22, 2009 suspected to be affected, according to the food and drug administration.

It is extremely rare for commercially canned a product containing botulinum, which is so lethal that a drop of pure toxin can kill 20 people. Centers for disease control and prevention medical epidemiologist Dr. Michael Lynch said the last such case dates of USA in the 1970s. Lynch about 25 cases reported each year in the CDC usually involved home-canned foods, he said.

Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin produced by bacteria (Clostridium botulinum). There are three types of foodborne botulism: botulism, botulism and botyliasis. From the CDC website:

(Clostridium botulinum) is the name of a group of bacteria commonly found in soil. They grow best in an environment of low oxygen. Bacteria form spores which allow them to survive in a dormant state until exposed to conditions that can support their development. There are seven types of botulinum designated by the letters a to g, only types a, b, e and f cause disease in humans.

Approximately 110 cases of botulism in the United States escalating; there are every year. Of these, only 25% is foodborne. Food borne botulism usually results from incorrect home canned foods, especially foods with a lower concentration of acid in such as asparagus, green beans, beets and corn. Higher acidity in foods can help prevent food-borne infections and toxins.

Botulism can be avoided. Home canners must always follow strict hygiene procedures to reduce the contamination of foodstuffs. If any questions about the initial home canners, canning processes should take directions for safe canning from County extension offices or the u.s. Department of Agriculture. Oils should be cooled with garlic or herbs. Potatoes have been baked while wrapped in aluminum foil, must be kept hot until served or refrigerated. Because the botulinum destroyed by high temperatures, persons eating home-canned foods should consider boiling food for 10 minutes before eating to ensure that it is safe.

Honey can contain spores (Clostridium botulinum), and toxin is known as a source of infection for infants. Therefore, children under the age of 12 months should not be fed honey. Honey is safe for people aged 12 months or more. Botulism can be prevented from seeking immediate medical care in contaminated wounds and using street drugs are injectable.

Foodborne botulism is most commonly found in foods that have been preserved. Therefore, it is important not only to consider home canners food safety high, but that most commercial boxes that seriously harmed the bulging, image, or severely rusted, discarded and is not used. If there is suspicion of foodborne illness, a person should seek medical care immediately. From the CDC website:

The classic symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscular weakness. Infants with botulism appear lethargic, feed poorly, is constipated, and a weak cry and poor muscle tone. These are all symptoms of the muscle paralysis caused by the bacterial toxin. If untreated, can cause paralysis of the arms, legs, torso and respiratory muscles progress of these symptoms. Foodborne botulism, symptoms generally begin between 18 and 36 hours after eating a contaminated food, but can occur as early as 6 hours or within 10 days.

Respiratory failure and paralysis that occur with severe botulism may require a patient to a breathing machine (ventilator) for weeks, plus intensive medical and nursing care. After several weeks, the paralysis slowly improves. If diagnosed early, foodborne and wound botulism can be treated with a antitoxini that blocks the action of toxins circulating in the blood. This can prevent patients from worsening, but recovery still takes several weeks. Doctors try to remove contaminated food still in the gut by inducing vomiting or by using enemas. Wounds should be treated, usually products to remove the source of bacterial toxins. Good supportive care in a hospital is the mainstay of treatment for all forms of botulism. Currently, antitoxini is given regularly for treatment of botyliasis.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Botulism symptoms and what to do when you see the signs

Botulism is a grave and serious form of food poisoning that is toxic to the nervous system. Symptoms will occur within a few days of intake of the toxin. If you notice any of these symptoms, you will need to be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid life-threatening complications.

Botulism symptoms

Symptoms of botulism can include any combination of the following:

blurred or double vision
drooping is yet another
dry mouth
sore throat
his speech slurred
difficulty swallowing
Infants may present with a weak cry, and inability to suck.

What causes botulism?

This serious form of food poisoning caused by ingesting food contaminated by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria can grow in improperly canned or raw or preserved foods, especially meats (ham and sausage), or in certain vegetables (beans).

Bacteria will be destroyed if the food is cooked in 176 F (80 ° C) for 30 minutes or boiled in 212 F (100 C) for 10 minutes. Raw honey should not be given to infants under 1 year old, because they could cause botulism.

Diagnosis and treatment for botulism

Diagnosis of botulism first comes from the observation of the aforementioned symptoms. Botulism symptoms are noticed when it is critical that you contact your healthcare facilities for assessment by a doctor as this condition can be fatal if not treated properly. The medical assessment should include a discussion as to the probable source of the toxin, an investigation into what the person has consumed over the past few days. In addition to a physical examination, blood tests may be used to make a full diagnosis.

When it comes to treatment, early diagnosis and treatment with antitoxini it is very important. An outbreak of botulism is a public health emergency and the local Health Department should be notified if discovered the source of botulism contamination can be brought under control. Hospitalization may be necessary depending on the extent of the symptoms.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Botulism-beware of Grandmas Home-canned beans

Every year in the United States there are approximately 150 cases of botulism in approximately 25 the special caused by contaminated food stuffs. Food-borne botulism is a serious intoxication caused by eating the prodiamorfwmena toxin present in contaminated food.

Food-borne Botulism occurs when the bacteria (Clostridium botulinum) are allowed to grow and produce toxin in food later eaten without adequate heating or cooking for the inactivation of the toxin. Botulinum is one of the strongest known neurotoxins.

This anaerobic bacteria growth and Toxin formation tend to occur in products with low acidity and oxygen content and low salt and sugar content. Inadequate treatment, home-canned foods typically have, such as asparagus, green beans, mixed beets and corn. However, there have been outbreaks of botulism from more unusual sources such as oil, chopped garlic, peppers, potatoes cooked properly handle wrapped in aluminium foil and home-canned or fermented fish. Garden foods such as tomatoes, which used to be considered too acidic for growth (Clostridium botulinum), now considered a potentially hazardous foods at home canning. Although most common in home-canned foods, this happens only occasionally in commercially prepared foods.

The most common type of botulism in the United States is botyliasis, representing approximately 65% of the total cases of botulism. This disease affects children under the age of twelve months. The infant ingests the spores of the bacteria in food stuffs such as honey. The spores germinate in the intestine where producing bacteria which in turn reproduce and release toxin. Honey can contain spores (Clostridium botulinum), infants under 1 year old should be fed not honey.

Usually in a few hours to several days after eating contaminated food will start to show the classic symptoms. blurry vision, dry mouth and difficulty swallowing. Gastrointestinal symptoms may or may not occur. If untreated, the paralysis is always through the body, starting from the shoulders and work its way out. The most serious complication is respiratory failure of botulism toxin which is fatal in up to 10% of people. It may take months before the recovery is complete.

If the disease is detected early enough it can be treated with antitoxini. If respiratory paralysis occurs and the person may fail to be on a ventilator for several weeks.

What you can do to prevent this horrible food borne illness

o follow strict hygiene steps when canning food at home.
o Refrigerate oils containing garlic or herbs.
o Keep oven potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil must be kept hot until served or refrigerated.
o consider boiling home-canned foods for 10 minutes before being eaten to inactivate any toxin lurking in foodstuffs.
o discard any boxes are damaged or proagwgeas or any abnormal smelling preserved foods. No taste test or even attempt to boil, exactly what we do.

Home canning and preserving food is an old tradition in America and the country. Some caution and common sense steps can prevent this powerful Toxin from invading your canned products.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Botulism-causes, symptoms and treatment


Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin. Is going to happen because of the (Clostridium botulinum).

There are three basic types of botulism:

Foodborne botulism botulism botulismInfant

All forms of botulism can be fatal and are considered medical emergencies. Foodborne botulism can be very dangerous, because many people can be poisoned by eating a contaminated food.


The types of food in botulism involved vary depending on the retention of food and eating habits in different regions. Any food which promote toxin production and outgrowth that when processed allows spores to survive, and then not cooked prior to consumption may be associated with botulism. Almost any type of food is not very acidic can support the development and production of toxins from c. botulism.

Botulinal toxin has been shown in an important variety of foods, like canned corn, peppers, beans, soups, beets, asparagus, mushrooms, ripe olives, tuna, chicken, spinach and chicken livers and liver pate and dinner meat, ham, sausage, stuffed eggplant, lobster, and fish smoked and salted.

The symptoms are not caused by the body itself, but from which the bacterium releases toxin. Usually appear within 12 to 36 hours after exposure. Incidence of botulism is low, but the mortality rate is high, if the edit is not immediate and proper.

The first symptoms of botulism include:

Double or blurry vision, Drooping eyelids Slurred speech, trouble swallowing, dry mouth, muscle FeedingPoor muscle WeaknessConstipationLethargyPoor ToneParalysis of the respiratory muscles


If diagnosed early, can reduce the severity of food-borne botulism:

Inducing vomiting or use of enemas to remove any contaminated food remaining in the intestine of horse serum antitoxini to neutralize botulinum troll blood, but not yet appended to the nerve endings in the evolution of botulism may also be stopped through the use of:
Horse serum antitoxini
Surgical treatment of the wound to remove bacteria
Botyliasis could not be treated with horse serum antitoxini, because of the risk of a serious allergic reaction.
Antitoxini shall be granted or not, requires a full recovery from severe botulism, weeks, or months intensive medical and nursing care, including mechanical ventilation, if necessary.
Over weeks or months, new nerve endings are able to grow and the paralysis is reversed.
Fatigue and shortness of breath may persist for years after recovery.

Patients with botulism should receive antibiotics such as penicillin equidae. If you have difficulty breathing, you probably can use fan.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Botulism-fatal Paralytic illness

Botulism is a rare and fatal disease paralytic, affecting millions of people around the world. The disease occurs due to a poisonous neurotoxin released by an anaerobic, Spore forming bacterium, known as an (Clostridium botulinum).

There are three different forms of botulism, which include food borne, SCAR and botyliasis. In the United States, approximately 72% of the cases reported is infant formula, 25 percent is food obtained and the rest is botulism.


Displays the symptoms of botulism in adults within 12-48 hours after eating contaminated food. In the case of babies, these symptoms occur within 3-30 days after the recruitment of baktiriakoys. In the case of botulism, symptoms appear within 4-14 days after the injury. The toxin affects the nervous system, blocking the presynaptic release of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. As a result, messages from the nerves are not transferred muscles, thereby preventing muscle stimulation. Initial symptoms include blurred vision and drooping eyelids, dry mouth, constipation, blood pupils, abdominal pain and weakened muscles. Death occurs due to paralysis of respiratory muscles, respiratory failure.


The most common method of diagnosis is through physical examination. However, the symptoms of botulism toxin is usually similar to other diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, stroke, poisoning, specialising in polio myelitis, tick paralysis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome and Myasthenia configuring gravis. As a result, doctors often get confused. Diagnosis of the disease is through recognition of botulinum in the blood. Stool examinations help detect the presence of bacteria and spores which are excreted via the faeces. In the case of botulism wound exudates, as samples for laboratory tests.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Botulism-herbal Ayurvedic treatment

Botulism is a serious disease that causes the flaccid paralysis of muscles. This is caused by a neurotoxin called General botulinum produced by bacteria (Clostridium botulinum). There are three basic types of food borne botulism: botulism, botulism, and botyliasis. Common symptoms include double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing, dry mouth and muscle weakness.

Food-borne botulism is considered a public health emergency. If diagnosed early, foodborne and wound botulism can be treated with an anti-toxin that blocks the action of neurotoxin circulating in the blood. The Ayurvedic treatment of botulism aims to prevent muscular paralysis, considering other relevant symptoms and attempt to accelerate the recovery process. Patients who survive acute episodes of botulism poisoning may experience fatigue and shortness of breath for years. Ayurvedic treatment can help reduce these symptoms and aid recovery.

Ayurvedic medicines such as Tapyadi Loh, Ekang Veneer Ras, Maha VAT VAT Vidhvans, Gajankush, Ras Bruhat VAT Chintamani, Vish Tinduk Vati, Kaishor Yograj Guggulu, Guggulu Trayodashang and Maha Yograj Guggulu Guggulu used to treat this condition. Medicines from herbs that can be used in this situation is: Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Erandmool (Ricinis communis), Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum), Prushnaparni (Uraria picta), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Agnimanth (Premna mucronata) and Kuchla (Strychnos nuxvomica).

Indeed the botulism Neurotoxin nerves paralysis from interfering with the release of choline, a neurotransmitter, so that the nerves cannot stimulate the muscles to contract. Therefore, drugs that Act on neuro-muscular junctions are used to cure the paralysis. They include Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), and Kuchla Nirgundi. Once the acute condition has been resolved, medicinal products, such as the Vish Tinduk Vati, Tapyadi Loh, Ekang Veneer Ras and Kaishor Guggulu given on a long term basis, to accelerate the process of recovery and prevent a relapse.

Severe botulism toxicity may lead to respiratory failure due to paralysis of respiratory muscles. Patients are required to be on a fan and needs intensive medical and nursing care for several weeks. Good supportive care in hospital remains the main residence treatment for all types of botulism.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Botulism-rare but potentially deadly foodborne illness

All my life I have a little fear and eating home-canned beans because of the rare but potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The botulinum produced by the bacterium is one of the most lethal natural toxins known to man. Now that my organic garden is overflowing with fresh beans, and can't possibly eat all the fresh, I turned again to this microscopic organism that lives naturally in soil.

Eating poorly prepared food is really the only way you can be sickened by this kind of bacteria. It is also possible for bacteria to infect an open wound, (often caused by drug users sharing needles), and babies can sometimes be sickened by consuming the spores of the bacteria. Fortunately, the impact of botulism poisoning are quite rare-only an average of 110 cases reported to the United States each year. The majority of these cases, 72% is botyliasis, and 25% are caused by eating contaminated food.

Infants may become infected by eating corn syrup, honey, or other sweeteners containing inactivated bacterial spores in order to alert parents to give no honey in any form for infants aged one year. Once the child begins to eat solid foods, the stomach acids will kill the bacteria spores and prevents them from growing.

As a gardener, the disease is born more food that worries me, and the list of symptoms and side effects makes it logical to worry about. Botulism is a paralytic disease and the symptoms are very similar to those of people who have a stroke. Symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness, drooping eyelids and double or blurry vision. These symptoms can occur anywhere from 6 hours to 10 days after eating contaminated food. Patients treated for this disease could fan for weeks in intensive care. Paralysis slowly improves over a few weeks, if the disease is diagnosed early enough. In the past, up to 1/2 of people contracting the disease dies, but health care is now the fatal accident rate reduced to 8%. Patients may continue to feel tired and having difficulty breathing for years after recovery from this disease.

Clostridium botulinum bacteria grow and multiply in environments without oxygen, which have high moisture content and low acidity. This is an excellent description of the Interior of a pot of low-acid vegetables. High levels of sugar that can help to reduce the production of bacteria and toxins. The bacteria are killed when vegetables are canned under high heat and pressure, the way you store-issues with canned products processed.

My parents thousands of jars of beans canned over the years, but always be careful to follow the common practice of boiling the beans for at least 10 minutes before lunch. The Centers for disease control (CDC) agrees that this is a good idea. Also, it makes sense to use the latest home canning tips from US Department of agriculture, since new methods being developed all the time. It simply pays to be secure if you can low-acid foods such as beans, asparagus, beets and corn.

Also is known to be sickened by the bacteria growing cut garlic for botulism stored in oil, which should always be kept refrigerated, and humans
potatoes baked in aluminium foil, if the potatoes have remained in the Packaging and cooling.

Frozen vegetables make the same risks as home-canned products According to the USDA safe food handling fact sheet, food stored constantly f below will always be secure. Freezing keeps food safe by slowing the movement of molecules, causing microbes to enter a dormant stage. Freezing preserves food for extended periods because it prevents the growth of microorganisms that cause both food spoilage and foodborne illness.

However, the same document goes on to say that the commitment does not kill bacteria-this simply puts into sleep mode. Once the food is frozen, bacteria may start to grow and multiply just as you can do with food. To be safe, use up each thawed (and even fresh) veggies as soon as possible and to keep any residue is left in the fridge.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Botulism-the worst kind of food poisoning could ever experience

What is botulism Basically, it will evolve from food that hasn't been saved correctly. Also, this may mean that the canned foods. Also, if food is not stored at the temperatures vulnerable right will increase the germ, commonly known as botulism (Clostridium botulinum). embryo germination is a Gram-positive, Spore-forming a that This is an This is an elongated germ line called a neurotoxin. This particular toxin is very strong and it causes a person to be violently ill.

(Clostridium botulinum) will increase in areas that does not have proper oxygen levels. The fetus is also likely to grow in foods with a low level of acid. You should always be aware of food in a can, for example, that they look different or crease in a way that it is not normal. Chances are that the canning process was wrong, and there could be an opportunity to clostridium botulinum.

How long does it take before the symptoms of botulism after eating bad food In General, could be anywhere from 15 hours even as late as 10 days. However, if there is the germ clostridium, chances are higher that symptoms would set too slowly, a few hours from the moment you hit the intestinal microbes.

What are the symptoms that a person may be botulism

Symptoms of botulism is as the following:

1. Feeling too weak

2. disturbances in vision

3. Speaking patterns is slurry

4. the mouth that has no saliva

5. the problem with trying to swallow

6. A critical symptom respiratory problems

How botulism diagnosed

Botulism diagnosed by taking an assessment of your medical conditions you have food and drinks recently eaten. Hospital staff will then take further tests after a complete physical. Test will involve perhaps providing stool and urine specimens may point out the bacteria clostridium. Sometimes doctors will also check the person affected neurologically, (meaning brain matters).

Treatment for botulism

The treatment for this disease include giving intravenous antibiotics that can kill off neurotoxins. Thus, the only way to recover it through hospital care. Some people may require even a respirator if breathing has become very labored.

Some people may require strong induction of vomiting if anti-drugs do not kill bacteria neurotoxin.

You can prevent botulism begin.

To prevent the type of food-borne botulism, always take strict precautions that the food we eat is not displayed or turn off somehow. This is the first step.

NEVER eat something like a baked potato in foil which has for a number of hours. I knew personally, almost a gentleman who died of botulism in this manner. Foil has toxins that will enter the potato after a period of sitting in the fridge.

If your food has been canned by yourself at home, nor damages must stop boiling on May 12 minutes. This is for your protection, such as boiling kills most bacteria that are there at home canned foods.

Practicing these steps, you must prevent the terrible suffering that foodborne disease can bring.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Canning botulism

There is a recent rise in home canning. With the wave of interest has been concern about the safety of home canning. Most people are turning to home canning in an attempt to make healthier choices for themselves and their families. Making them sick is counterproductive!

Is truth of the matter, if you are sloppy about what you do, and do not follow the rules, you can create an excellent environment to arise problems. However, if you are a diligent canner following USDA approved guidelines, your risk of food borne illness is small to none.

What is botulism?

A greater concern in home canning is botulism. Botulism is caused by a bacterium that is literally everywhere. This bacteria is not the problem, however. It is when the bacteria enters a perfect environment for development, which creates a toxin. The toxin is what is fatal.

This rare but often fatal food borne illness grows well in low-acid, liquid, air-free environments. Ideal place for botulism to grow a lot is a vase incorrectly in canned foods with low-acid (such as meat or vegetables).

A terrifying botulism is that it is not possible to get there (unless you are working in a lab environment and groping). Foods contaminated with it will not look or smell different.

Symptoms of botulism

After eating something that contain botulism usually takes 12-38 hours (but sometimes up to 10 days) for symptoms to appear. It is important to get medical aid AMeSWS. Botulism occurs only if some 20-25 cases per year, approximately 10% of them are fatal. Treating it early is a key to survival.

Some of the symptoms to watch for include: dry mouth, blurred vision, slurred speech, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing and respiratory failure.

Safe = safe food Canning

The best way to protect yourself and others from home canned botulism is to follow safe canning practices. Here are some things to remember as you can:
1. Follow religiously all directions. Not tsigkoyneyeste about processing times. Does not alter the recipe, unless it says that you can.
2. use only USDA approved recipes. Yes, it's not safe to use your great granny's recipe, even though this canned it for years and nobody got sick. Canning practices have changed as more information is available. Stay on the safe side and use safe recipes.
3. does not alter the content of your canning acid foods. There are two major defences against botulism, acid and heat.
4. Use proper hygiene in the kitchen. Make sure all your equipment is sanitized and sterilized jars you correctly.
5. make sure your jars seal properly after they have been preserved. If it isn't closed, store in the refrigerator and eat soon.
6. make sure to check your pressure canner EVERY year. This is a free service offered in most areas. Check around and see when and where is offered near you. It is important to note that the gauge and stamp your canner works correctly.
7. When you open a jar low-acid food to eat, boil the contents for twenty minutes to destroy any microbes that could be lurking inside.

Don't let the panic of botulism are talking about you that makes your home canning. Simply follow the appropriate procedures and use approved recipes. People, we are already enjoying the benefits of home canned foods for years. Do it safely and you can join their ranks!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Complications of botulism

Doctors and researchers have identified a wide variety of microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. Certain viruses, bacteria and parasites in food can all result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and suffering characteristic of food poisoning. While many of these problems to disappear in a few days, botulism, a dangerous type of food poisoning, can cause complications that can last for months.

Bacteria called (Clostridium botulinum) is responsible for botulism. The bacteria thrives in conditions of low-oxygen, low-acid, which can produce a substance called botulinum. This is a by-product that disrupts the nervous system, resulting in several problems. Because of the conditions that favoured by this bacteria, usually live in canned products. So, if you have any suspicions about a canned item, you should throw it away.

12 to 36 hours after eating a food full of botulism, you may begin to notice strange symptoms are unlike other, more formal forms of food poisoning. Initial signs of botulism include:

-Blurry vision
-Difficulty breathing
-Problems with swallowing
-The eyelids

While foodborne botulism can also cause nausea and vomiting, the attack on the nervous system can leave you with a more serious problem such as paralysis. The botulinum interferes with your ability to control the muscles. This causes weak and flaccid muscles, and may even result in loss of reflexes.

Shockingly, a part of your body that may be affected by hazardous botulism is the respiratory system. The toxin can interfere with your ability to breathe, that can lead to problems such as respiratory distress. Indeed, subjects breathing can last for years-you may notice abnormal fatigue or shortness of breath breathe after your years suffering from botulism.

Should you suffer from botulism is caused by tainted food, this can leave you with serious health issues. If you have suffered from botulism is caused by improperly Handled or prepared foods, you may be eligible for financial compensation to help with the pain and suffering.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

E. Coli and salmonella, botulism

When we eat out at restaurants, we expect our food must be stored properly serviced, handled safely, clean and sufficiently cooked thoroughly. Grocery store purchases goods, once again we are waiting to be processed, packaged and stored securely. Unfortunately, however, sometimes the reality of the situation is not fully in line with our expectations.

If food is handled by the poor, but in danger of being contaminated by harmful bacteria and viruses. Those who eat these infected edibles at risk of developing a disease known as food poisoning. While the food poisoning, it is usually not fatal, it can be quite uncomfortable and painful. Three of the most common types of foodborne diseases is e. Coli and salmonella, botulism.

E. Coli

E. coli is a type of bacteria that can cause infections of the digestive tracts of humans. There are many different strands of infectious e. coli, which can cause any of the following symptoms:

· Bloody diarrhea

· Severe abdominal cramping

· Nausea and vomiting

· Fatigue

Sometimes, e. coli disease diagnosed as different (yet similiar), as a stomach ulcer or inflammatory bowel disease. Other times, those with e. coli infections do not experience symptoms. This can be especially dangerous if those who handle food. Easily able to transfer the infection to other unsuspecting people without your knowledge.


Botulism is another type of foodborne diseases that are passed to the people their ingestion of contaminated food. Typically, botulism cultures grow home-canned goods, although it may also occur with roots like garlic and potatoes. Symptoms of an attack of botulism include:

· Nausea and vomiting

· Stomach cramps

· Difficulty breathing

· Compromised vision

· Difficulty swallowing

· Weakness

· Paralysis

Usually, botulism is treated through medication-induced vomiting or prescription drugs that cause bowel movements.


Salmonella is a disease usually spread to humans through ingestion of contaminated food. Such as e. coli and botulism, those infected with the disease will typically get better after a few days without any external editing. The typical symptoms of an infection with salmonella include the following:

· Diarrhoea

· Nausea and vomiting

· Abdominal cramping

· Fever and chills

· Headache

· Bloody faeces

· The achy muscles

If the salmonella bacteria enter the blood of the Organization, then the patient is at risk for a very serious situation, known as iniggitida. Patients who develop this condition need immediate treatment outside in the form of antibiotics. Where, iniggitida, is not treated, can be fatal.

Contact us

If you or someone you love has suffered from any of these types of food poisoning as a result of poor food hygiene or restaurant, you may have the right to claim compensation. St. Petersburg injury lawyers of Beltz & Ruth, p.a. have the experience to help you recover losses you deserve. To learn more, you to visit today.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Eat to beat the flu-7 tips for preventing seasonal viruses with simple food choices

Cold and flu viruses have an acidic environment that lacks oxygen to live. When your diet consists of many processed foods, refined and sweet that you create the ideal environment. No wonder so many children get sick right after Halloween!

To read the ingredient list of all your food and beverage labels before you buy them? If an 8 years cannot consider the entire list of food ingredients on the label, I probably consumed too many processed foods and chemicals. The goal is to return eating REAL food and making your first choice of a WATER beverage.

Here are 7 of the best tips to prevent the introduction of seasonal viruses your body:

1) Eats a diet based on vegetables to create an alkaline environment in your body.
Vegetables help create an environment in your body alkaline. Viruses cannot live in this environment. Children need at least 2-3 (1/2 cup each) servings of vegetables every day. Cut up vegetables sitting on children to snack on before dinner. Include a salad with lunch dinner. Throw some grated carrots in the muffins. Add some Pumpkin PANCAKES. Throw a handful of fresh spinach in the smoothie. Don't assume your kids won't eat their vegetables. My children ask for now and carrots salad. It is a good role model, as adults should eat 4-5 servings per day.

2) Go organic if it is about the "dirty dozen" list. The "dirty dozen" list contains the twelve fruits & vegetables most heavily sprayed with pesticides. This list has been compiled by the environmental working group from around 87,000 studies from the USDA and FDA 47 fruits and vegetable between 2000 and 2007. It is estimated that if they avoid eating organically grown not in this list, your pesticide exposure may be reduced to 80%. Here is the "dirty dozen" are listed in order of decreasing pesticides: peaches (worst), apples, sweet bell peppers, ribbed celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, grapes,
carrots, and pears.

Market of organic products is slightly more expensive initially, but prevention of pesticides, which tax your immune and lymphatic systems, to enter your House is worth. Also you will begin to notice that when you are feeding your body with REAL live foods containing phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins and minerals your appetite decreases. This is because you are now feeding your body's cells and is no longer merely feeding your mouth with empty calories.

3) Go organic for milk products.
There are three main reasons for the selection of organic milk and yogurt. First, you will be able to avoid consuming pesticides cows consumed when eating grass seeds and sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Secondly, you will be able to avoid consuming antibiotics and hormones injected cows before milking. Thirdly, I surprised to notice the improvement in the focus and your child's behavior. This last word is subjective for me. I noticed a dramatic improvement in the behaviour of my children. My three children is much calmer, more focused and more happy than our family switched to all organic milk and yogurt.

A bonus benefit is that since your taste just how rich and creamy milk organic flavors, you never want to go back to your old milk. Milk 1% is so rich, tastes like milk with 2%. Stonyfield Farm is our favorite option for organic yogurt. Corn syrup is also without or artificial sweeteners.

4) Satisfy your sweet tooth without sugar.
Sugar creates an acidic environment in your body and reduces the immune system. This includes the corn syrup that is on your component. Great substitutes of sugar or inulin is raw honey is false, 100% pure maple syrup or Agave Nectar. We use raw honey to replace sugar in muffin recipes and real maple syrup to sweeten our oatmeal.

Honey is also a strong cough suppressant surge. You can give your child a teaspoon of honey cough or shake stand into a cup of hot water or tea herbs. Please note children under the age of 12 months should not consume any honey (even cooked products), such as gastrointestinal has not developed enough to handle the spores of botulism. Corn syrup and molasses also contain botulism spores and should be avoided in infants aged under 12 months.

Use fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth family. Fruits, such as vegetables, produce an alkaline reaction in your body and therefore to reduce the risk of getting a cold or the flu. Children should consume 2-3 (1/2 cup) servings of fruit per day and adults should aim for 3-4 servings per day. Try frozen berries with organic yogurt and a little honey or Agave Nectar for real fine. Apples with a little peanut butter is a great premium snacks. We surprised to note that when you increase your fruit intake, your intense cravings for sugar will go away.

5) To the outside and move your body every day.
Be sure to get outside for 15 minutes daily to get fresh air and sunshine. You can get vitamin d from the sun shining on your skin. Vitamin d helps activate the immune response of the organization. This can be as simple as Walking your child in school or taking a family bike ride-15 minutes after school.

Ideally, you will be able to move your body for a total of 30 minutes per day. It is one of the most important reason to get your body moving for the benefits of stress-reduction. Excessive stress increases acidity of your organization and your cause would be prepared to the viruses. Exercise also helps increase your intake of oxygen and viruses do not like an oxygenated environment.

6) Get enough sleep.
Lack of sleep will increase the level of cortisol, a hormone which is stress. Cortisol increases the acidity of your organization, which then increases your susceptibility to cold and flu viruses. Children aged 5-12 need 10-11 hours sleep per night. Better sleep, must not have a Television in their bedroom or must be disconnected. Younger children need up to 12 hours per night, and most adults need 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night.

7) Maintain your nose clean.
To prevent the importation of the virus, your body needs to keep your nose clean. The Neti pot is a small ceramic pot designed specifically to evacuate from your nose. Just add hot water with the salt pot, tilt your head, pour the water into one nostril and watch out the other nostril. Also, you can swab the inside of your nose with warm salt water.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Food additives-are you Russian roulette with your health

Would you believe that the average American family spends an impressive 90 percent of food processed food budget And if you check the label of most processed food you will find a table with preservatives, artificial food additives, flavor enhancers and food colorings. Now instead of farm-fresh foods, chemical additives in processed food have become an important part of the American diet.

Food manufacturers includes these additional materials to their taste and look more attractive and increase the lifetime of the product. After all, when you purchase Strawberry yoghurt or ice cream, you expect to have a reddish color rather than colour bland. What we have said is that some common food additives in everyday products may have long-term negative effects on our health.

Below is a list of the thirteen food additives should be avoided whenever possible

Acesulfame K (potassium)-artificial sweeteners (200 times sweeter than sugar) is usually located in deserts, chewing gum, gelatin diet sodas and baked. Control of this relatively new additive was not very extensive, but early indications are that this may cause cancer in rats.

artificial food colorings: Blue 1,2. Red Green 3 7 3 7 Yellow 6-these are usually found in food colouring many of the foods on the shelves of supermarkets. Blue 1 and 2 are connected with a small risk of cancer in mice. They are baked goods, candy, beverages and even pet food. Green 3 has been linked to bladder cancer. This can be found in drinks and candy. Red 3 has been found to promote the development of thyroid tumors in rats. It is generally baked goods, candy and fruit cocktail. Yellow 6 has been linked to tumors in kidney and adrenal gland. Is baked goods, candy, drinks, gelatine and sausage.

sweetener aspartame-this is usually no food diet sugar as diet sodas, gelatins, beverages and mixtures of low calorie desserts. Is also sold under the brand name Nutrasweet and equal. Associations in aspartame can break into a highly reactive chemical that damages cells. Some possible side effects include headaches, dizziness, fatigue and respiratory problems.

BHA and BHT (butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydrozyttoluene)-this is usually located in the conservative daily household foods such as vegetable oils, potato chips, cereals and chewing gum. Help retard enjoyed fats and oils from becoming widespread. Having an oxidizing effect, which can produce potentially cancer causing reactions in cells.

monosodium glutamate (MSG)-MSG is an amino acid used in order to improve the flavour components such as chips, salad dressings, frozen Entrees and soups. MSG allows manufacturers to reduce the amount of the actual ingredients that make their products. Has been found to cause brain damage of nerve cell in animal studies. In humans, nausea and headaches are possible side effects.

this synthetic Fat Olestra-can be found in some brands of potato chips. Not absorbed by the digestive system, so that it has no calories. Possible side effects include abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea and loose bowels. Olestra has been shown to inhibit the ability of the body to absorb fat-soluble carotenoids from vegetables and fruit.

potassium bromate-this additive is used to increase the volume in breads and rolls. Studies on animals. This has been linked to cancer and this may pose a potential risk to humans.

propyl Gallate-this conservative sometimes resides in chewing gum, vegetable oil, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base. Helps to slow deterioration in oils and fats. Results from animal studies show that it can cause cancer.

artificial sweeteners saccharin-what is 350 times sweeter than sugar and sweetener is in packaging, drinks, diet and "no sugar added" products. Animal studies have shown that the contamination is linked to bladder cancer uric. The food industry-feed acknowledges that saccharin may be linked to cancer in mice, but believes that it will not occur, the same effect in humans.

sodium chloride-commonly known as salt, this additive is used to enhance the taste of food. But excessive use of salt or eat food with high sodium can lead to high blood pressure, kidney problems, heart attack and stroke.

Nitrate sodium (or sodium nitrite)-this additive is used to conserve, enhance color, and to improve the taste of meat, ham, dinner, hotdogs, corn beef and smoked fish. Meat processors use nitrate and nitrite because they stabilize red meat (or gray) and help prevent the growth of botulism bacteria causing. Studies have suggested these additives can cause certain types of cancer.

trans fat this additive is usually found in food served in fast food restaurants and some crackers, microwave and Icing and sweetcorn. Trans fats may cause heart problems.

white sugar-sugar is a common ingredient in baked goods, cereals, crackers, sweets, sauces and more processed foods. The average person consumes approximately 65 pounds of sugar per year. Too much sugar can lead to obesity and other harmful health conditions.

Unfortunately, these food additives are present in many foods on supermarket shelves. Check the tags and if you can see one or more of those present. If so, a health conscious shopper should consider other alternatives. If you can see other additives that interest you, search for them on the internet and you probably can find a description of the feed additive including its possible harmful side effects.