Saturday, 31 December 2011

Food poisoning from botulism

While food poisoning can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria and parasites, which can come to live food products through unsafe handling or preparation techniques, often do not know the exact offender your disease. However, a dangerous source of food poisoning are the Clostridium botulinum bacteria.

When you eat foods that are inhabited by (Clostridium botulinum) or by-products, you can contract the disease called botulism. Symptoms of botulism include double vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and muscular weakness. Thus, botulism is usually an easily recognizable form of food poisoning.

Why this kind of food-borne diseases cause muscular weaknesses rather than the standard nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain is that (Clostridium botulinum) produces a neurotoxin that interferes with your muscle function. In fact, botulism neurotoxin is considered an extremely dangerous and powerful substance. Scientists estimate that one gram of toxin could kill up to one million people, and why some people have talked about the risks of terrorists potentially using botulinum for bioterrorism. Interestingly, however, many people choose to intentionally inject yourself with this toxin in order to mitigate the appearance of wrinkles. That botulinum-right is the basis for the Botox injection photo.

Toxin (Clostridium botulinum) paralyzes the nerves, so as to lose the ability to signal the muscles contracting. Because the damage to the nerve can be semi-permanent, the effects of botulinum may be very long-lived.

When you are eating foods filled with botulism, you should visit your doctor or emergency room as soon as you begin to lose muscle control and think that you've wound botulism. Doctors to inject and antitoxini that will help prevent the spread of neurotoxin and stop the damage your nerves. While the antitoxini can stop the spread of the toxin can weeks to recover, as mentioned above.

A serious complication resulting from botulism is respiratory distress. Because it takes so much time to recover from this situation, people suffering from respiratory damage due to botulinum might survive on breathing machines for several months. Indeed, it may take years to overcome your fatigue and shortness of breath.

Botulism can be prevented with proper canning and food handling techniques. If you suspect that a good canned is botulism, it is always best to throw it away from risk contracting botulism. Also, be sure to Cook all your food carefully to kill (Clostridium botulinum) and destroy the toxin.

If you or someone you know has suffered from the terrible consequences of botulinum, will need to contact the product liability lawyer on your rights. For more information, check out the product liability lawyers Friedman & Bonebrake, PC today.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Food poisoning-how to avoid it, how to handle the

While America s food supply is the safest in the world, food poisoning is responsible for approximately 76 million illnesses each year in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that 60% or more of raw poultry sold today is potentially pathogenic bacteria. Anyone who eat food contaminated by certain bacteria, parasites, viruses or get food poisoning. A number of factors such as age and physical condition can make some people more susceptible to food poisoning from others. Infants, pregnant women, elderly and people with compromised immune systems are at greater risk.

For most people in good condition, food poisoning is usually long lasting nor life-threatening. However, in less healthy individuals, can become a serious health threat, representing approximately 5,000 deaths each year.

The good news is that by taking simple preventive steps while purchasing, handling, and preparation of food you can prevent most cases of food poisoning in the home.

What causes food poisoning? Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses that may be present in the foods you have eaten. You may have heard the names of many of those bodies. Include Escherichia coli (e. coli), Campylobacter jejuni, (Clostridium botulinum), Shigella, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Trichinella, and hepatitis a virus vaccine, just to name a few. In a wide range of foods, including red meat, poultry, milk and other dairy products, eggs, unpasteurized vegetable juices and ciders, spices, chocolate, seafood and even water.

These organisms may be present on your food is purchased or when it can come into the food including cooked foods, if the food comes into contact with raw meat juices in dirty utensils, cutting boards and countertops used for the preparation of contaminated food. That s why it is important not only to cook your food thoroughly, but to wash your hands, utensils and countertops, before and after you can manipulate raw foods.

What are the symptoms? Symptoms vary depending on the type and amount of impurities can be eaten. Some people may get sick after ingesting only a small amount of harmful bacteria, while others may remain free symptoms after eating larger quantities. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain (cramps), fever, headache and fatigue. Symptoms may develop, just 30 minutes after eating tainted food, but more often not developed for several days or weeks. Signs of infectious or parasitic food poisoning may not appear for several weeks, while some toxins in fish may take only a few minutes to cause symptoms.

If you have, probably won't be botulism have fever and symptoms may include blurred vision, fatigue, dry mouth and throat.

How diagnosed food poisoning food poisoning suspicion often when many people were ill after eating the same meal. To diagnose the cause of the disease, your doctor will need to know the symptoms and what was eaten right before the disease has appeared. The doctor may take samples of foodstuffs, bowel movements, or vomit. These samples can be tested by a laboratory to determine if food was contaminated and identification of the organism that causes the disease.

How it treated? If the symptoms are serious, the victim should see a doctor or get emergency care. Treatment depends on the severity and the cause of food poisoning. In General, for mild cases of food poisoning, the doctor will recommend for resting, drinking fluids to prevent dehydration caused by vomiting, and to follow a special diet. This usually lasts only about 1 to 5 days to recover from food poisoning.

If you have your botulism, a doctor will prescribe a antitoxini. Other types of food poisoning have no antidote. Generally, antibiotics are not useful in the treatment of food poisoning. May be given medicine to stop vomiting and stomach cramping.

Prevention is the best way to avoid food poisoning more cases of food poisoning can be prevented. Below is a list of some simple Do s and Don ts to help you avoid foodborne illness at home.

• wash your hands, utensils, cutting boards and countertops of food between various

To hrefrigerate or freeze perishable immediately (refrigerator temperature should be 41 ° f and freezer 0 ° F)

Cook food thoroughly. Cook beef, lamb and pork to an internal temperature of 160 ° F, whole poultry and thighs to 180 ° F. poultry breasts in 170 ° F, ground chicken or Turkey 165 ° F the

hrefrigerate leftover food as soon as possible. shouldn t issues remain unrefrigerated longer than 2 hours.

Food While shopping, choose frozen foods and perishables such as meat, poultry and fish last-before checkout

Use a smooth cutting boards free of cracks and crevices and hard maple or plastic

Save raw meat leakproof or at the bottom of hrefrigerator to prevent juices dripping on other foods

Don t allow uncooked meat, juices of meat or unwashed fruits and vegetables to come into contact with food either cooked or washed

Don t buy frozen seafood if packages are open, Torn or crushed at the edges

Don t buy canned foods that are proagwgeas or dented, or compromised in jars

Don t buy food never outdated. Check the use-by dates or sell by

Don t buy unpasteurized milk or milk products

Do not buy hrefrigerated or frozen products that do not appear in the appropriate temperature

Do not let small children put food away unsupervised

More information about this important health issue can be downloaded from the following sources: information portal for food safety US Government food and Drug Administration Center for food safety and nutrition shall apply to food safety and inspection service United States Department of Agriculture

As an educational service supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. This information is not intended for use as medical advice. You should discuss this information with your doctor.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Food poisoning-overview

What is food poisoning

Food poisoning results when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens such as parasites or viruses. Your symptoms may range from upset stomach to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps and dehydration. Most such infections go undiagnosed and unreported.

But the Center for disease control and prevention estimates that each year about 76 million people in the United States become ill from pathogens in food, and about 5,000 people die.

Over 55% of these cases are caused by improper cooking and storing food, and 24% by poor hygiene, such as not washing your hands while preparing food. Only 3% of cases resulting from unsafe food sources. Keeping your hands clean while working with food is the single most important thing you can do to avoid food poisoning.

About 20 bodies may cause food poisoning. Then you can eat food contaminated with bacteria to multiply in the stomach and bowels. Some bacteria give off a toxin when multiplied. As a result, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea occur. Vomiting and diarrhea is the organization how to eliminate the toxin, and most cases of food poisoning their way without having to provide medical care.

Not all invasive organisms cause vomiting as a symptom, but almost all cause diarrhea. Blood in your stool occurs in many types of food poisoning and is deemed to be serious. Abdominal cramps are also common, and sometimes you will have a fever. Be sure to contact a doctor if you have a fever or bloody stools.

Common sources of food poisoning

Campylobacter is the leading cause of bacterial food poisoning in the United States. Generates several million cases a year, resulting in hundreds of deaths. Eating undercooked chicken, or food that has been in contact with raw chicken most often causes campylobacter. The Center for disease control estimates that up to 70%-90% of chickens infected campylobacter.

For the prevention of disease, Cook chicken carefully, with pink, remains. Wash your hands frequently while handling raw chicken. Use paper towels to dry your hands. If you use a dish-cloth or sponge to clean counters, use a new after working with raw chicken. Wash your cutting board with the solution diluted bleach before reuse. And any utensils or dishes contact with raw chicken should be washed and rinsed with SOAP and water before using it again.

E. coli 0157: H7 contamination causes an estimated 25,000 cases of food poisoning each year in the USA. Most of these result from undercooked, contaminated ground beef. Organism lives in the intestines of healthy cows. Meat can become contaminated during slaughter, when mixed with beef is ground into hamburger intestinal fecal matter. Contaminated meat looks and smells normal, therefore, is not easily detectable. Bacteria of cow udders or milking machines also can contaminate raw milk.

To prevent this form of food poisoning, Cook all ground beef until it shows no pink. Make sure that all the meat juices are clear, not pink or red, and that the Interior of the meat is hot. If you are served an undercooked hamburger at a restaurant, send it back. Drink only pasteurized milk products and drink only water treated with chlorine or other disinfectants.

Caused by botulism (clostridium botulinum), a spore. This form of food poisoning is very rare, but can be life-threatening. Can result from improper eating processed low-acid foods, such as green beans, mushrooms, spinach, olives and beef or fish. Inappropriate home canning methods represent often botulism cases. Processed incorrectly commercial products can also cause this serious disorder.

In order to avoid botulism, not even taste canned foods that are soft, is deteriorating, in fermentation or not smell right. Not worth a life-threatening illness. In case of doubt, reject.

Botyliasis is most common in spring and summer, and is rare in winter. Infants younger than one year of age is the highest risk. Symptoms include muscle weakness, a weak cry, difficulty feeding, constipation, head lag, increased heart rate and decreased gag reflex. A baby with botulism is described as a "floppy baby" as the baby will have weak muscles, particularly arms, legs and neck.

Botyliasis has been associated with eating honey. The Center for disease control indicates that honey should not be given to infants younger than six months, and the honey Industry Council extends the security boundary in one year. Honey is an essential food for infants, and never should be given to them.

Summary of food poisoning

Most symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea caused by viral infections, and it is not true cases of food poisoning. An accurate diagnosis may be difficult, because the disease-causing organisms in different kinds of food and various periods of incubation. Also, eating a really sick immediately afterwards is not the standard way for food poisoning. Most people don't know that foods consumed several days previously may be the cause of food poisoning. Always be sure to consult a doctor when they face severe gastrointestinal symptoms.

The information in this article was gathered from the Web site security information and on the website of the national digestive diseases Information Clearinghouse

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Food poisoning-what they are and how you can avoid it

Food poisoning is not funny. Once you have this, we will do what it takes to not receive it again. So what exactly is food poisoning? Simply, food poisoning is a food borne illness people receive from eating food contaminated with toxins or bad bacteria. Sometimes foods would seem somewhat funny or smell a little joke. but, too often, you will know the food is to eat is contaminated with bacteria that could damage your health.

What does food poisoning in your body Well, that depends on the type of food poisoning you and if you have a compromised immune system due to your age, or an underlying medical condition. There is more than one type of food poisoning. Let's look at some of the types and how they may affect you.

Shigella: Shigella is a bad bacteria that causes severe diarrhea, spreading from human to human through fecal matter and poor hygiene. The symptoms of this disease is very similar to salmonella that causes fever, cramps, nausea and diarrhoea, which is often bloody. A doctor is able to control the stool the person suspected of Shigella to know with certainty whether this bacterial infection to the patient.

Prevention of Shigella is easy if one practices consistent personal hygiene by washing hands thoroughly and retaining a bathroom and kitchen surfaces free of fecal matter. You can do this by practicing good methods for cleaning with common household disinfectants.

Botulism: there are three kinds of wound botulism bacteria: food, botyliasis and undertaken. Botulism is caused by a toxin that contaminates a rare bacteria wound. Botyliasis is caused by bacteria that live in the intestines of a baby. One culprit may be raw honey. It is very important babies are never as raw honey, can have serious side effects. Improperly canned and processed foods are the main cause of food-borne botulism.

Botulism can cause dry mouth, muscle weakness, blurred vision, slurred speech and difficulty swallowing. It may also, in serious cases, causing paralysis and respiratory failure.

How to eliminate many cases of botulism is to constantly educate how operators can cook food properly, and preparing food. This can be avoided in infants by providing them not just honey. More food borne diseases and cases of food poisoning can be prevented by taking some simple precautions such as consistent and thorough hand washing procedures, sanitary practices for surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen environments, and taking the time to make sure it is fully cooked meat and raw materialsof animals moving in sanitary manner.

Salmonella is an infection which can be passed in the human body from both wild and domestic animals through meat, eggs or milk produced from animals. You can get salmonella from eating meat that is undercooked, or unpasteurized milk is raw or improperly cooked eggs. You can also receive from surfaces that are touched by any of these elements. Some people can be carriers of salmonella and no signs, but this can be passed on to other people if there is food handlers.

How do you know if you have salmonella poisoning? Some of the symptoms of salmonella food poisoning are nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and vomiting. The symptoms may last 5-7 days. Fortunately for most with salmonella, all you have to be careful not to get dehydrated. However, very young children, the elderly or people with chronic illness may be more serious risk. In these cases, there are times when a doctor will prescribe antibiotics to combat bacterial infection.

To avoid getting salmonella one should not eat raw eggs, drink milk and always make sure that the meat you eat is cooked thoroughly. We must also keep all the surfaces in the kitchen and fridge clean and wiped with a disinfectant if in contact with uncooked meat, juices, eggs or milk products.

E. coli is a bacterial infection that contaminate food, milk and even unsanitary swimming water. Causes the same type of symptoms such as previous treat bacterial infections, however, sometimes bloody diarrhoea are present and sometimes not. A stool sample must be submitted to the doctor to know with certainty if e. coli bacteria which is responsible for causing the disease in a patient complaining of these symptoms.

In some patients, e. coli can cause serious complications for their red blood cells that can lead to kidney failure. It is recommended that if a person suddenly starts to have bloody diarrhea, you should seek immediate medical help to determine what bacteria are the cause. This is crucial to avoid further complications of general health and well-being of the individual is infected. This type of bacterial infection can be prevented by taking simple saver for cooking meat, until there is no question and taking great care to wash hands and surfaces carefully when using a restroom, changing diapers, performing personal care for the elderly, or after handling raw meat, while preparing them for a meal.

Listeria is a little different from other bacteria because of the way into the food supply. This is primarily spread through soil and water. The ground or water may be contaminated through the fertilizer used in the process of cultivation. Food contaminated by Listeria must be heated or pasteurized and kill bacteria. Every year there are many cases of people infected with Listeria through Sandwich meat had been infected with the bacteria through the manufacturing process.

Listeria food poisoning is very serious and can cause death. Symptoms may include diarrhoea, nausea, fever and muscle pain. Other symptoms such as confusion, convulsions and imbalance can occur if bacteria travel of the nervous system

In addition, if a pregnant woman to be contaminated with Listeria can cause the infant to deliver prematurely. It is very likely that the baby will also be contaminated or Listeria can cause even a baby is stillborn. A diagnosis of Listeria from blood or spinal fluid tests and treated with antibiotics.

Again, more food borne diseases and cases of food poisoning can be prevented by taking some simple precautions such as consistent and thorough hand washing procedures, sanitary practices for surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen environments, and taking the time to make sure it is fully cooked meat and raw materialsof animals moving in sanitary manner. Food safety is really very simple. but it is not followed, the results can be fatal.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Food safety and food poisoning

What is food poisoning It is an acute illness, usually sudden, brought about by eating contaminated or poisonous food. The symptoms of food poisoning are:

1. nausea - a queasy feeling as if you were about to be sick

2. sickness - vomiting

3. Pains in the bowl - gripping pains in the area of the stomach

4. Diarrhea

5. Fever

The main causes of food poisoning are:

1. Bacteria - the commonest

2. Viruses - which are smaller than bacteria, are normally found in water

3. Chemicals - Insecticides and weed-killers

4. Metals - lead pipes, copper pans

5. Poisonous plants - toadstools, red kidney beans (insufficiently cooked)

Bacteria is the most common form of food poisoning and so it is important that we know more about them. Bacteria are tiny bugs that live in the air, in water, in soil, on and in people, in and on food. Some bacteria causes illness. They are called PATHOGENIC bacteria. Some bacteria cause food to rot and decay, they are called SPOILAGE bacteria. There are four things that bacteria need in order to grow. These are:

Warmth. They love body temperature of 73 degrees but can happily grow at 15 degrees. They grow most readily between 5c and 63c. This is known as the DANGER ZONE

Time. Each bacteria grows by splitting in half. This takes time, on average every 20 minutes. This is known as BINARY FISSION. Imagine, one single bacterium by splitting in half every ten minutes can become more than a million in 3 and a half hours.

Food. They like high protein foods for example, poultry, cooked meat, dairy produce, shellfish, cooked rice, stews and gravies.

Moisture. They need water and most foods have enough water or moisture to let the bacteria thrive.

Some bacteria can form a hard protective case around themselves, this is called a SPORE. This happens when the going gets tough, when it gets too hot or too dry. So they are able to survive very hot or cold temperatures and can even be present in dried foods. Once the right conditions (5 - 63c) return, the spore comes out of its protective casing and becomes a growing, food poisoning bacteria again.

Bacteria and food poisoning

We have established that the presence of bacteria is one of the most common causes of food poisoning the presence of poisonous chemicals can also cause food poisoning. There are a number of potentially toxic chemicals present in food. For example, potatoes which have turned green contain the toxic substance, Solanine, which is only dangerous when eaten in excess.

Rhubarb contains Oxalic Acid the amounts present in the stems which are normally cooked are relatively harmless to humans, but the higher concentration in the leaves makes them very dangerous to eat.

A toxin is a poisonous substance that may be produced by the metabolism of a plant or animal, especially certain bacteria. Toxic food poisoning is mainly caused by Staphylococci in the UK and more rarely in this country, Clostridium Botulinum.

Foods most commonly affected by Staphylococci are:

Meat pies

Sliced meats

Pies with gravy

Synthetic cream


50-60% of people carry Staphylococci in their noses and throats and are present in nasal secretions following a cold. Staphylococci are also present in skin wounds and infections and find their way into foods via the the hands of an infected food handler. Hence the importance of keeping all wounds and skin conditions covered. Although staphylococci are themselves readily destroyed by thorough cooking or re-heating, the toxin which they produce is often much more heat-resistant and may need a higher temperature or longer cooking time for its complete destruction.

Food poisoning from Clostridium botulinum known as botulism is extremely serious. This produces a life threatening toxin which is the most virulent poison known. Foods most commonly affected by clostridium botulinum are:

Inadequately processed canned meat, vegetables and fish.

During the commercial canning process, every care is taken to ensure that each part of the food is heated to a high enough temperature to ensure complete destruction of any clostridium botulinum spores that may be present.

YEASTS & MOULDS - microscopic organisms some of which are desirable in food and contribute to its characteristics. For example, ripening of cheese, bread fermentation etc. They are simple plants which appear like whiskers on food. To grow they require warmth, moisture and air. They are killed by heat and sunlight. Moulds can grow where there is too little moisture for yeasts and bacteria to grow. Yeasts are single celled plants or organisms larger than bacterial, that grow on foods containing moisture and sugar. Foods containing a small percentage of sugar and a large amount of liquid such as fruit juices and syrups are liable to ferment because of yeasts. Yeasts are destroyed by heat.

VIRUS - microscopic particles transmitted by food which may cause illness. For example, Hepatitis A (jaundice). Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot multiply or grow in food.

PROTOZOA - single celled organisms which live in water and are responsible for serious diseases such as malaria, usually spread by infected mosquitoes and dysentery. These food-borne infections are mostly caught abroad.

ESCHERICHIA COLI - E Coli is a normal part of the intestines of man and animals. It is found in human excreta and raw meat. E Coli causes abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. High standards of hygiene and through cooking of foods must be applied. Raw and cooked meat must be stored at correct temperature and cross contamination must be avoided.

SALMONELLA - is present in the intestines of animals and human beings. Foods affected include poultry, meat, eggs and shellfish. Prevention should include:

good standards of personal hygiene

elimination of insects and rodents.

washing hands and equipment and surfaces after handling raw poultry

not allowing carriers of the disease to handle food.

Control of Bacteria

There are three methods of controlling bacteria:

1. Protect food from bacteria in the air by keeping foods covered. To prevent cross contamination, use separate boards and knives for cooked and uncooked foods Use different coloured boards for particular foods. For example, red for meat, blue for fish, yellow for poultry etc. Store cooked and uncooked foods separately. Wash your hands frequently.

2. Do not keep foods in the danger zone of between 5c and 63c for longer than absolutely necessary.

3. To kill bacteria, subject bacteria to a temperature of 77c for 30 seconds or a higher temperature for less time. Certain bacteria develop into spores and can withstand higher temperatures for longer periods of time. Certain chemicals also kill bacteria and can be used for cleaning equipment and utensils.

The main food hygiene regulations of importance to the caterer are: Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 and Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995. These implemented the EC Food Hygiene directive (93/43 EEC). They replaced a number of different regulations including the Food Safety (General) Regulations of 1970. The 1995 Regulations are similar in many respects to earlier regulations. However, as with the Health & Safety legislation, these regulations place a strong emphasis on owners and managers to identify the safety risks, to design and implement appropriate systems to prevent contamination, these systems and procedures are covered by Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and/or Assured Safe Catering. The regulations place two general requirements on owners of food businesses:

To ensure that all food handling operations are carried out hygienically and according to the Rules of Hygiene.

To identify and control all potential food safety hazards, using a systems approach either HACCP or Assured Safe Catering.

In addition, there is an obligation on any food handler who may be suffering from or carrying a disease which could be transmitted through food to report this to the employer who may be obliged to prevent the person concerned from handling food. Catering establishments have a general obligation to supervise and instruct and provide training in food safety & hygiene commensurate with their employees responsibilities. Details with regard to how much training is required, are not specified in the regulations. However, HMSO Industry Guide to Catering provides guidance on training which can be taken as a general standard to comply with legislation.

Prevention of food poisoning

Almost all food poisoning can be prevented by:

complying with the rules of hygiene

taking care and thinking head

ensuring that high standards of cleanliness are applied to premises and equipment

preventing accidents

high standards of personal hygiene

physical fitness

maintaining good working conditions

maintaining equipment in good repair and clean condition

using separate equipment and knives for cooked and uncooked foods

ample provision of cleaning facilities and equipment

storing foods at the right temperature

safe reheating of foods

quick cooling of foods prior to storage

protection of foods from vermin and insects;

hygienic washing-up procedures;

Knowing how food poison is caused

carrying out procedures to prevent food poisoning.

This has been just a brief overview of food safety. If you are in the catering trade or are planning do become a cook or chef, it is essential that you learn all there is to know about the subject. The following links should help to fill the gaps.

Essentially, you need to know the Food Regulations appertaining to your own country. Its pointless following the Food Safety Regulations of the UK if you live or work in Australia, Spain or New Zealand.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Foods to avoid in pet food recipes

Just as long to cook your own meals may be healthier than taverns or restaurants lunch in a box, making your own dog food recipes is a way to add variety to the diet your pet s and have more control about what is happening in your dog s House. And while doing your own dog food recipes can cause disease, a pleasant sound which doesn t have a large artificial flavors or preservatives, there s also the potential for missteps if you add the wrong foods. If you re starting to cook your own dog food recipes, here are some foods to avoid:


One of the most commonly known things to avoid feeding dogs, never will need to add this food for each dog food recipes. Particulars as to substance, where it occurs naturally theobromine in chocolate is toxic to dogs. While the concentration levels of theobromine in chocolate varies the most, milk chocolate containing chocolate and baker s. In any case, avoid chocolate in dog food recipes.


Onions, although heavily flavoring for both human and dog food recipes, can lead to a condition called Heinz body anaemia, which destroys red blood cells and can lead to anemia in dogs merciless. You have ways to minimize this risk, such as cutting onions which are sufficiently large that impart a taste to foods before easy removal before serving, or simply onions from leaving your dog food recipes completely. IT s has suggested that the greatest danger in this comes from low-quality onions, so if you buy good quality onions, you can also minimize the risk. Two Japanese Akita breeds Shiba Inu, and is particularly sensitive.


While an excellent natural sweeteners, honey is a food which is dangerous not only to the dog food recipes fed with puppies, but if you give any prescription as well as a human infant. The reason behind this is that the honey could contain botulism spores, don t affecting adults due to their strong immune system, but can affect young animals and the people who haven t created by strong immunities. This will make sure that you leave the honey.


Great for cooking the recipes for humans, don t try to get fancy and dog food recipes alcohols. While wine or Sherry are large, flavorful liquid for sauces for humans, the alcohol cooks who never fully, and just as with people when it s with large amounts of ingested, alcohol can be fatal to dogs. Err on the side of caution and leave the alcohol. Avoiding the dangers in dog food recipes, you will ensure that by cooking for your pet, you re making it healthier, instead of the poor.

Want to get more dog food recipe BestDogFoodgo to

Food safety tips when traveling or in the event of a disaster

Due to the length of this article, it will not contain any recipes, bar mixes, just information, tips on food handling.

If you are traveling with perishable food, place it in a cooler with ice or freezer packs. Have plenty of ice or frozen gel-packs on hand before starting to pack food. If you take meat, poultry, eggs, for eating on the road or to cook at your vacation spot, plan to keep everything on ice in your cooler.

Keep raw meat and poultry wrapped separately from cooked foods, or foods meant to be eaten raw such as fruits. Limit the times the cooler is opened. Open and close the lid quickly. Pack perishable foods directly from the refrigerator or freezer into the cooler. If the cooler is only partially filled, pack the remaining space with more ice. Limit the times the cooler is opened. Open and close the lid quickly.

Remember to keep the cooler in a shady spot. Keep it covered with a blanket, tarp or poncho, preferably one that is light in color to reflect heat.

Bring along bottled water or other canned or bottled drinks. Always assume that streams and rivers are not safe for drinking. If camping in a remote area, bring along water purification tablets or equipment.

Do not let perishable food sit out while swimming or fishing. Remember, food sitting out for more than 2 hours is not safe. The time frame is reduced to just 1 hour if the outside temperature is above 90 °F.

If you do fishing and are lucky the big one did not get away, gut and clean the fish as soon as they are caught. Wrap both whole and cleaned fish in watertight plastic and store on ice. Keep 3-4 inches of ice on the bottom of the cooler. Alternate layers of fish and ice. After cooking, eat within 3-4 days. Make sure the raw fish stays separate from cooked foods.

Crabs, lobsters and other shellfish must be kept alive until cooked. Store in a bushel or laundry basket under wet burlap. Crabs and lobsters are best eaten the day they are caught. Live oysters can keep 7-10 days. Mussels and clams, 4-5 days.

Caution: Be aware of the potential dangers of eating raw shellfish. This is especially true for persons with liver disorders or weakened immune systems. Warning, no one should eat raw shellfish.

If you go to the beach take along only the food that can be eaten to avoid having leftovers. If grilling, make sure local ordinances allow it. Bring the cooler! Partially bury it in the sand, cover with blankets, and shade with a beach umbrella.

Thoroughly wash metal pans, ceramic dishes, and utensils (including can openers) with soap and water, using hot water if available. Rinse and then sanitize them by boiling in clean water or immersing them for 15 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of drinking water (or the cleanest, clearest water available

Thoroughly wash countertops with soap and water, using hot water if available. Rinse and then sanitize them by applying a solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of drinking water (or the cleanest, clearest water available). Allow air-drying.

Bacteria may be present on products when you purchase them. Raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs are not sterile. Neither is fresh produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons.

Foods, including safely cooked, ready-to-eat foods, can become cross contaminated with bacteria transferred from raw products, meat juices or other contaminated products, or from food handlers with poor personal hygiene.

Botulism, a life-threatening illness caused by the bacteria Clostridium outline, were reported in the United States. Frozen, fully cooked products were suspected of causing these illnesses. The Food Safety and Inspection Service advises all consumers to handle frozen, fully-cooked products in accordance with these food safety recommendations.

Before buying frozen, fully cooked products carefully inspect the container or package. If the package is punctured, torn, partially opened, or damaged in any other way that might expose the contents to the outside environment, do NOT purchase the product.

Do not purchase frozen products that appear to have thawed and refrozen. Reject all swollen or gassy containers or spoiled foods.

Buy food from reputable dealers, with a known record of safe handling. Buy frozen products only if they are frozen solid and only if stored in the freezer case. Observe any use-by or sell-by dates on the package.

When you open the container, inspect the product. Do not use products that are discoloured, mouldy, or have an off odour. Do not use products that spurt liquid or foam when the container is opened. Do not taste the product to determine if it is safe.
Follow the preparation instructions on the product label.

Handling Possibly Contaminated Products

Report any suspect commercial food products to your local health department.
If a suspect food is opened in your kitchen, thoroughly scrub the can opener or other utensils, containers, counters, etc., that might have contacted the food or its container. Discard any sponges or cloths used in the cleanup. Wash your hands thoroughly. Promptly launder any clothing that might have been splattered upon.

Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin. Symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. The illness can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death. Symptoms usually occur from 18 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. Anyone concerned about an illness should contact a physician.

Food Safety Tips for Emergencies.

Consumers have a key role to play in keeping food safe. Prepare an emergency kit for your home and even one for your vehicle. In the event of a disaster you may be on your own for 3 -5 days.

A kit should contain a 3-day supply of water. You should have four litres of water per day, per person, for drinking cooking and clean up. A 3-5 day supply of non-perishable food in sealed containers. Proper utensils should also be included. Other items needed would be bottle opener, disinfectant soap and bleach, dishes, a portable stove, with enough fuel to last 3-5 days matches, leather gloves for handling hot material and a folding saw or axe in the event there is firewood available for warmth.

Beside food, utensils, etc. warm blankets, flashlight and a battery operated radio should also to packed.

In the event of a natural disaster or emergency incident, be sure to carefully inspect all food items and do not eat any food you think may be unsafe. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out. Check food in your refrigerators and freezers for signs of spoilage, and ask retailers and restaurateurs to explain how food has been kept safe during power failures. Be prepared with these food
safety tips.

If your traveling or if a disaster strikes you should know how to handle your food supply, what you need to know to keep your family safe, Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness.
The illness can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death. Symptoms usually occur from 18 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food.

Families have a key role in keeping food safe. Prepare an emergency kit for your home and even one for your vehicle. In the event of a disaster you may be on your own for 3 -5 days.

Disclaimer: The Author of this article is not responsible for accuracy or completeness nor shall he be held liable for any damage or loss arising out of or in any way related to the information in this article.

Grandma Hystads Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information. Copyright World Wide(o)2007.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

From botulism salmonella-America's most notable food safety stories

Want to know the quickest way to scare someone? To get to the Super in your local market. No, I am not talking about the rise of food prices, although this is enough to increase blood pressure more people! I speak for all products of contaminated food could be heard in the last century, most recently the peanut and pistachio debacle. If you ever have wondered what some of the most notorious food scares in recent years have hundreds or more, we have the low down.

From mad cows to salmonella in peanut butter, such cases can leave even the most intelligent person scratching his head wondering how, or one of the most technologically advanced and highly regulated countries like the United States could allow so many polluting elements fall through the cracks. In fact, the USDA now estimates that account food safety problems for 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths annually. Here are some notable milestones in the history of U.S. food safety.

It all started when ...

As you look back in history, you can see that while there was an increase of food affecting in recent years, food preparation and sanitation has improved dramatically in recent years hundreds or so. Interestingly, the phrase "food poisoning" does not appear on the public stage until the 1880s, when scientists first made the connection between animal disease and meat-poisoning outbreaks. This prompted better hygiene practices, but it was also the beginning of the hundred-plus years "food."

The next big panic food was not until the publication of his novel the jungle, Upton Sinclair in 1905. This book spotlight on disgusting practices of the Chicago meatpacking district and then asked President Theodore Roosevelt to set new standards for food processing. The President was a petty organismal Meatpacking operation and the first pure food and Drugs Act which the country has ever seen.

In 1963 the tuna industry was destroyed when two women died of their Detroit contracted botulism is eating canned tuna. Tuna sales decreased as a result of a massive 35% national and prompted the industry to form a "contingency Commission tuna." Botulism horizontal also problem in 1971. Manufacturer Bon Vivant fell victim of the effects of the toxin when an elderly couple was paralyzed after eating contaminated vichyssoise. Bon Vivant filed for bankruptcy within a month and spent the next several years trying to identify the source of the toxin.

Go ahead in 1982 when seven people in Chicago died by taking Extra-strength Tylenol that was laced with lethal amounts of cyanide. While on Friday, Johnson & Johnson was not to blame for this panic, did pull the product from all retail shelves across the country. During this period more than 35 million bottles of Tylenol were returned and inspected by officials of the Ministry of health. Although never recorded until the real culprit, it did prompt pharmaceutical companies to introduce more stringent manufacturing practices and new tamper-proof packaging to keep consumers safe.

An ongoing food fear is the ability of beef infected with mad cow disease, which can lead to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans (both diseases attack the nervous system). Although the United States has seen a handful of cases either the human or bovine form of the disease, in the case of possibly tainted school lunch meat-prompted the largest beef recall in the history of the United States to date with a total of 143 million pounds recalled in April 2008.

The most recent fears happened at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 with salmonella found to both pistachios and peanuts. Nearly 700 diseases and deaths in nine recorded by March 2009 due to this epidemic. In both cases, the causes appear to specify practices. Outbreaks forced peanut Corp. of America to shut down in January of 2009 and for Kraft foods to reevaluate their storage and processes.

Other cases over the years include beef containing e. coli, frozen Strawberry spread of hepatitis a and tomatoes and jalapeno peppers tainted with salmonella.

While the food was the cause of many diseases and in some cases death did question radical improvements in sanitation and the supply of food. While there will always be food safety issues, if developers learn from their mistakes (and we hope to do) they can prevent future outbreaks and great food.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Grandmother Hystad information on food, beverages, recipes

Contents -

- Recipes
- Kate's Vegan Pancakes
- Borch (Soup)
- Oven Fried Chicken
- Mashed Potatoes
- Baked Potatoes
- Cinnamon Apples
- Lightside
- Food Warning
- Salmonella Outbreak
- Non-Alcoholic Drinks
- Iced Tea
- Hot Drinks For Children



1 1/3 cup flour (unbleached).
3 Teaspoons.
½ teaspoon salt.
3 tablespoons sugar.
1 egg (egg replacer).
1 ¼ cup milk (Soya milk).
3 tablespoons oil.
¼ teaspoon vanilla .


2 pounds beef, with soup bone.
2 carrots.
1 medium head of cabbage.
2 average-sized onions.
6 average-sized potatoes.
2 cups canned tomatoes.
6 whole pepper kernels.
1 bay leaf.
A few sprigs of dill.
½ cup chopped beets.

Cover meat with cool water and bring to a boil. Let simmer until almost tender. Add water if necessary to keep meat covered. One hour before serving, add chopped vegetables and seasoning. Potatoes may be cooked separately before serving. When ready to serve, remove from heat and add sour cream.

Grandma's Oven Fried Chicken

4 ounces (125 ml) otato chips
½ cup (125 ml) butter
½ teaspoon (2.5 ) garlic powder

Melt butter. Brush chicken with butter. Crush potato chips with rolling pin before opening bag. Mix garlic, salt and pepper with potato chips. Shake buttered chicken in potato chip mixture. Place
on pan skin side up. Pour rest of mixture over chicken. Bake at 375 F, (190 C) for about 1 hour.

YIELD: Coating for 1 fryer
TIME: Preparation 10 minutes, cooking time approx. 1 hour.

Beef And Potato Cakes

You can use ground meat if desired. A treat for children.
8 oz. Beef.
8 oz. Potatoes.
1 small 2-3 inch onion chopped finely.
1 egg yolk.
Dark soy sauce.
1 teaspoon salt.

Cook the potatoes and mash. Mix in egg yolk and salt. Chop onion finely, brown with 1 tablespoon oil, add ground meat. Brown for 4 minutes. Add soy sauce and mix the batch with the potatoes. Shape into balls the size of golf balls, flatten into cakes. Heat the cooking pan. Grease lightly with oil, use medium heat to brown the cakes, turn to brown both sides. If you have a electric skillet set temperature at 340. When automatic control light blinks, turn cakes over.


6 boiled potatoes.
2 tablespoons butter.
4 tablespoons hot milk.
½ teaspoon salt.

Mash the cooked potatoes with a potatoe-masher until soft; add the butter, salt, pepper, and milk, and beat all until light and fluffy. Pile lightly in a hot serving-dish.


Select smooth, medium-sized potatoes. Wash well with brush. Bake in a hot oven 45 minutes, or until done. Break the skins to let the steam escape and serve at once. If baked potatoes stand they become soggy.

Cinnamon Apples
4 tart apples, sliced.
1 cup sugar.
½ cup water.
½ pound cinnamon candy.

Pare and slice apples into eights. Combine sugar, water and candy to make syrup. Bring to a boil and when sugar and candy are dissolved, add sliced apples. Cook until apples are soft. Makes 4 servings.


A wife was making breakfast of fried eggs for her husband, when he burst into the kitchen. "Careful", he said. CAREFUL! Put in some more butter. Oh WHAT ARE YOU DOING You are cooking too may at once. TOO MANY TURN THEM DOWN NOW Are you CRAZY USE THE SALT NOW

The wife stared at him. What in the world is wrong with you You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs The husband calmly replied,I wanted to show you what it feels like when I am driving.


Bacteria may be present on products when you purchase them. Raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs are not sterile. Neither is fresh produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons.

Foods, including safely cooked, ready-to-eat foods, can become cross contaminated with bacteria transferred from raw products, meat juices or other contaminated products, or from food handlers with poor personal hygiene.

Botulism, a life-threatening illness caused by the bacteria Clostridium outline, were reported in the United States. Frozen, fully cooked products were suspected of causing these illnesses. The Food Safety and Inspection Service advises all consumers to handle frozen, fully-cooked products in accordance with these food safety recommendations.

Before buying frozen, fully cooked products carefully inspect the container or package. If the package is punctured, torn, partially opened, or damaged in any other way that might expose the contents to the outside environment, do NOT purchase the product. Do not purchase frozen products that appear to have thawed and refrozen. Reject all swollen or gassy containers or spoiled foods.

Buy food from reputable dealers, with a known record of safe handling. Buy frozen products only if they are frozen solid and only if stored in the freezer case. Observe any use-by or sell-by dates on the package. When you open the container, inspect the product. Do not use products that are discoloured, mouldy, or have an off odour. Do not use products that spurt liquid or foam when the container is opened. Do not taste the product to determine if it is safe.

Follow the preparation instructions on the product label.

Handling Possibly Contaminated Products Report any suspect commercial food products to your local health department.

If a suspect food is opened in your kitchen, thoroughly scrub the can opener or other utensils, containers, counters, etc., that might have contacted the food or its container. Discard any sponges or cloths used in the cleanup. Wash your hands thoroughly. Promptly launder any clothing that might have been splattered upon.

Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin. Symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. The illness can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death. Symptoms usually occur from 18 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. Anyone concerned about an illness should contact a physician.

Many frozen chicken products, such as chicken Kiev and chicken cordon bleu, may appear to be precooked, but are actually only prebreaded or prebrowned.

Use a meat thermometer and make sure the internal temperature of the chicken is at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. . This means really cooking the chicken, in a regular oven or microwave, not merely thawing it.



There are just as many ways of making coffee, as there are different brands. Here are some general rules.

For good results measure water and coffee.

- 2 tablespoons coffee to each 1 cup
- Make coffee just before serving
- Make coffee double strength and pour the hot coffee over ice in a tall glass. As the ice melts, it will dilute the coffee. Top the glass with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.


½ cup cocoa

1 cup sugar

2 cups water

1/8 teaspoon salt

¼ spoon vanilla.

Combine cocoa, sugar and salt

Add water and stir until well blended.

Cook for 5 minutes. Cool and bottle

Makes 3 cups syrup

Add 2 tablespoons of syrup to each cup of scaled milk.

Disclaimer: The Author of this article is not responsible for accuracy or completeness nor shall he be held liable for any damage or loss arising out of or in any way related to the information or utilization of it.

You have permission to copy any of my articles providing each is complete, and Author Article Source Box is included.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Honey and babies: the risk of infant botulism

Your honey to feed your baby Know someone who does If so, there is a slight risk associated with feeding babies honey that must be known. Called botyliasis, and although it is very rare, the results of a about botulism can be very serious.

What is botulism

Botulism is actually a type of food poisoning. This is caused by (Clostridium botulinum), a microorganism that may be present in honey. When the lower bowels of infants infected with this microorganism, it can develop a toxin. The toxin causes a paralytic effect by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses.

(A note, is the paralytic effect of botulinum, which makes effective BoTox treatments.)

An infant suffering from botulism poisoning may exhibit symptoms such as constipation, muscle weakness, continuing a weak appetite and a fire can cry aloud.

If your child shows symptoms that you think should botulism poisoning related to seek immediate medical treatment, Botulism poisoning can cause death in rare cases. In fact, some medical professionals believe that botulism poisoning may be the cause of some instances of sudden death (SIDS).

Potential sources of botulism

Honey is not only presenting a potential risk of botulism poisoning for infants. Unwashed vegetables and fruits, fresh and processed meat, and even corn syrup all contain botulism spores were found in at least rare opportunity. To reduce the risk, all primary agricultural products must be washed before being served.

And although the likelihood of honey containing spores (Clostridium botulinum) is very low (only about 10% of the thousands of samples tested over time), it's best to avoid feeding your baby honey. In fact, the National Honey Board, centers for disease control and infection, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all your feed no honey for children less than 1 year of age.

What about the older children and adults

Anyone aged over 1 year of age have no need to fear the possibility of the presence of botulism spores in the honey. This is because only very small children are denied the beneficial intestinal bacteria that make botulism spores harmless.

In fact, it is believed that there is a real risk to infants who are at least 26 weeks. Both the recommendation of the diet not honey for children up to 1 years provides an important safety buffer.

Don't let it spoil your appetite on honey

As noted above, honey do not present a risk for older children and adults. And indeed, raw honey offers a rather amazing range of potential health benefits. So it would be a shame to deprive yourself and your older children the benefits of honey because of irrational fears about botulism.

In addition, the darned things honey is delicious

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Know the signs of botulism

Botulism is a rare but very dangerous form of food poisoning caused by bacteria (Clostridium botulinum). As the bacteria Clostridium grows, emitting a powerful neurotoxin, or nerve toxin. This victim's neurotoxin attacks the central nervous system, starting from the muscles of the eyes and face. The first symptoms may be blurry vision, dry mouth and swallowing problems. The victim may complain of double vision and dizziness and the eyelids may droop. The victim may also experience muscle weakness and slurred speech may be. Infants and young children would appear lethargic, flaccid and constipated. All these signs reflect the process of progressive muscle paralysis.

If you do not begin treatment, the paralysis in the neck and chest, and then to arms and legs, abdominal muscles and the muscles controlling breathing. When the neurotoxin it affects the diaphragm and chest of the other muscles, breathing is interference, and if the patient is not treated aggressively, he or she may die from asphyxiation.

It is one of the difficulties for the treatment of botulism in front. Botulism can be diagnosed by symptoms, but to exclude other possible diseases or sources of neurotoxins, should become a laboratory test requires a blood sample injection or in the patient's stool. take 48 hours to determine if bacteria are grown in the mouse. If suspected botulism, and rapid diagnosis, treatment may be focused on removing any remaining infected foodstuffs by inducing vomiting, enemas or animation. Treatment involves also a antitoxini, a substance that interferes with the botulin toxin action into the bloodstream. Antitoxini treatment can prevent the disease from progressing, but the patient can remain Disable symptoms for months. If the disorder has progressed to the involvement of the respiratory muscles, the patient may require a fan to assist with breathing.

Clostridium bacteria spores are widely distributed in soil, both in the wild and agricultural land, Lake and stream beds, and the animals in the intestinal tracts of mammals and fish, the gills and the crabs and shellfish. Despite its prevalence, (Clostridium botulinum) becomes a threat only when conditions are ripe for the spores to grow and produce a powerful neurotoxin. Failure to food to sufficient temperature to kill spores, canning or contaminated equipment maintenance and uneviscerated fish (left in their courage when you use canned) all have mixed to botulism outbreaks

Many episodes of botulism resulting in home canning, especially beans, which were not sufficiently high to kill all spores temperatures. Sausage, baby foods and canned foods such as smoked salmon spread, and beef restaurants all have been identified as the source of botulism poisoning. Each can appear swollen is suspect and should not be used.

If you or a favorite have suffered serious consequences of botulism poisoning and think an incorrect prepared food has been the source of the poisoning, you should meet as soon as possible with a lawyer experienced food poisoning to see if you have a requirement. You should act as soon as possible, before any evidence which might identify the food source is lost or destroyed.

Know the signs of botulism

Botulism is a rare but very dangerous form of food poisoning caused by bacteria (Clostridium botulinum). As the bacteria Clostridium grows, emitting a powerful neurotoxin, or nerve toxin. This victim's neurotoxin attacks the central nervous system, starting from the muscles of the eyes and face. The first symptoms may be blurry vision, dry mouth and swallowing problems. The victim may complain of double vision and dizziness and the eyelids may droop. The victim may also experience muscle weakness and slurred speech may be. Infants and young children would appear lethargic, flaccid and constipated. All these signs reflect the process of progressive muscle paralysis.

If you do not begin treatment, the paralysis in the neck and chest, and then to arms and legs, abdominal muscles and the muscles controlling breathing. When the neurotoxin it affects the diaphragm and chest of the other muscles, breathing is interference, and if the patient is not treated aggressively, he or she may die from asphyxiation.

It is one of the difficulties for the treatment of botulism in front. Botulism can be diagnosed by symptoms, but to exclude other possible diseases or sources of neurotoxins, should become a laboratory test requires a blood sample injection or in the patient's stool. take 48 hours to determine if bacteria are grown in the mouse. If suspected botulism, and rapid diagnosis, treatment may be focused on removing any remaining infected foodstuffs by inducing vomiting, enemas or animation. Treatment involves also a antitoxini, a substance that interferes with the botulin toxin action into the bloodstream. Antitoxini treatment can prevent the disease from progressing, but the patient can remain Disable symptoms for months. If the disorder has progressed to the involvement of the respiratory muscles, the patient may require a fan to assist with breathing.

Clostridium bacteria spores are widely distributed in soil, both in the wild and agricultural land, Lake and stream beds, and the animals in the intestinal tracts of mammals and fish, the gills and the crabs and shellfish. Despite its prevalence, (Clostridium botulinum) becomes a threat only when conditions are ripe for the spores to grow and produce a powerful neurotoxin. Failure to food to sufficient temperature to kill spores, canning or contaminated equipment maintenance and uneviscerated fish (left in their courage when you use canned) all have mixed to botulism outbreaks

Many episodes of botulism resulting in home canning, especially beans, which were not sufficiently high to kill all spores temperatures. Sausage, baby foods and canned foods such as smoked salmon spread, and beef restaurants all have been identified as the source of botulism poisoning. Each can appear swollen is suspect and should not be used.

If you or a favorite have suffered serious consequences of botulism poisoning and think an incorrect prepared food has been the source of the poisoning, you should meet as soon as possible with a lawyer experienced food poisoning to see if you have a requirement. You should act as soon as possible, before any evidence which might identify the food source is lost or destroyed.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lis pendens-food poisoning

The concern of food poisoning are mainly limited to inappropriate handling and preparation of meals at restaurants and at home. In recent years, massive outbreaks of serious illness and death from large-scale contamination of food, such as spinach contaminated with e. Coli, salmonella and carry peanut butter contaminated pet food that later crossed into contamination discovered human foodactually most of us leery about the food they buy and eat.

We cannot, however, simply stop eating, and with very limited capacity of the Government to inspect food coming from abroad, are likely to continue those outbreaks. Of course, food handling, storage and contamination in restaurants and local shops is not removed, but simply added by these concerns of large-scale.

The Centers for disease control (CDC) estimates that there are about 76 million cases of food poisoning in the United States each year, with approximately 5,000 resulting in death. Usually we think of food poisoning as a disease caused by bacteria, but can also be harmful or deadly when food contaminated with virus from infected food handlers, chemicals and even foreign objects.

Food can be contaminated when bacteria are carried by a person, animal, or other food preparation surface, because of poor hygiene or inappropriate food handling practices. Improper storage can cause food to spoil, and failure to fully Cook the food can also cause food poisoning.

E Coli

There are many strains of e Coli. All this is not harmful, but some are lethal. E Coli bacteria from faeces. Can contaminate foods during storage and preparation by human hands, utensils, packing or preparation surfaces. Undercooked meat is a common source because meat comes in contact with droppings in the process of slaughter. E Coli can reach producing fields through contaminated irrigation water, animals afodeysis in fields and improper fertilization methods.


Undercooked poultry is the most commonly known source of salmonella poisoning. Salmonella is allocated among poultry to a large extent due to the poor conditions in which the birds are affected. Bacteria can be killed by cooking meat to temperatures above 150 degrees, and proper refrigeration controls development. Cross-contamination of other food is a common result handling poor food and lack of cleanliness.

Staphylococcus aureus

Mayonnaise-based foods are a common source of food poisoning, and is a common misconception that salmonella is the culprit. In fact, bacteria called staphylococcus aureus is the underlying issue. Located in the skin, nose and respiratory passages around half of all people, and not the bacteria that causes the disease, but a toxin produced by bacteria as it grows. The same bacteria can be destroyed by cooking, but it is not possible toxin. Most foods containing mayonnaise, potato salad and Cole slaw, is cooked. Good hand washing and cooling is necessary to prevent this type of food poisoning.


Very rare, but very deadly botulism, kills around 30% of the victims. Canned foods are the most common source. Boiling food for 10 minutes, will kill the bacteria.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

On the basis of the botulism injections in comparison with the best eye creams

It seems that the popularity of based on botulism injections are finally starting to fade in the light of the numerous recent reports and warnings issued by medical experts and the Government of the United States. However, even many people avidly pursue this process cosmetic because they are the best choice for sustainable treatment for skin and the current conditions or pragmatic problems. When in reality, the best eye creams are equally effective, and much safer and more affordable to use.

Because it is based on botulism injections is so dangerous

The most popular anti-aging treatments available today for those seeking to strengthen their external beauty is based on the botulism injections. But recent reports FDA (food and Drug Administration) have lambasted this trendy facial injections-who is lauded as effective treatments and wrinkle eye-because newer FDA warnings of serious adverse reactions, including respiratory failure and sometimes even death, as well as the common loss of facial expressiveness (permanent numbing in person)in conjunction with a wide variety of less severe reactions, such as infections, rashes, sores on or around the area of treatment and by blisters and a wide variety of other commonly encountered side effects directly related to the use of a person based on botulism injections.

How the best eye creams Compare to based on botulism injections

The best eye creams do not require a doctor to be used. Costs a fraction of the price of a series of based on botulism injections. It is both free and non-needle pain and do not have an associated recovery process. There are no known adverse side effects whatsoever. And the best eye creams work almost as quickly as botulism is based on contributions, but it can be used at home, and do not require a shameful and painful visit to a doctor. The best eye creams work course from the increasing production of collagen in the skin, normalize the skin drainage and healing damaged skin cells. And, last but certainly not least, the best eye creams are available without prescription and over the counter for a fraction of the cost.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Stomach flu and food poisoning-to understand the difference and learn how to avoid

Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between stomach flu and the case of food poisoning, as the symptoms are often difficult to tell apart. These are two entirely different disorders although with entirely different roots. This article is intended to provide little information will help you understand the difference.

Often, when people get food poisoning make the comment that probably just caught influenza viruses or something because they show symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain. Often the other way too where people get the flu and think they have food poisoning.

This usually causes stomach flu is a viral infection in the digestive tract. To get the flu, you should avoid contact with the virus. This is often much easier.

The cause of food poisoning is usually a toxin produced by bacteria that grows in your food is not properly handled or stored. It won't take long for the bacteria to develop food, especially things such as meat, dairy products and sauces, which are not kept at temperatures below 40 degrees f. preservation food as at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees f calls for the disease.

There are some indicators that will help you truly suspect food poisoning or if it is not.

If people who share the same food developed the same type of symptoms, or if you develop these symptoms after eating food that has not been frozen, this rather poisoning. Symptoms may develop in both minimum 1 to 2 hours, and as much of the past 48 hours after eating bad food. The results of the standard type of food poisoning is as follows. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which can last for a period of approximately 12 to 48 hours.

A type of food poisoning is rare but often fatal sometimes called botulism. More than the number of times that this is caused by a bacteria that is formed when canned foods is incorrect. Foods that most often develop this are foods that are low in acid content such as beans and corn. What happens is a bacteria that do not get killed in the process of canning develops and expands into a toxin producing gyala. When someone mistakenly eats food become sick. Some of the symptoms that occur from this is double vision or blurred vision, and often have difficulty breathing and swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms after eating foods that have been handled in this way, then you should contact your medical facility immediately.

How to prevent food poisoning

You must run the following to avoid being poisoned by food:

Make sure you keep all your hot foods hot and cold meal your cold.
Verify that you cannot eat meat, sauces or salads or any other food that has been forgotten for more than two hours between the temperatures of 40 degrees f and 140 degrees f. called 20-40-140 rule.
Make sure the temperature in your refrigerator is between 34 and 40 degrees f. assure that using a thermometer.
Don't let the counter for meat to defrost, as it should be defrosted in the refrigerator or microwave, or.
Cleanliness is virtue. Make sure you keep all your utensils clean and wash your cutting boards and countertops very often. This is especially true after you have made the handling of meat and especially
Make sure that your hamburger Cook until it is cooked, and always cook your chicken until juices run clear through.
Never eat egg is fresh or raw sauces that have any eggs.
If you have any cans or jars with lids or proagwgeas leaks must be rejected.
Before you make any home canning or freezing must make sure that you understand how to do it correctly. If you have any questions about these types of processes, then a good place to contact is your local extension Office.
Food safety is very important to keep yourself healthy, and those for your cooking. Nobody ever wants to get sick because of food borne illness, and this can be avoided with proper care. Follow this advice and you must be your Favorites and get sick from it.

Stomach flu and food poisoning-to understand the difference and learn how to avoid

Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between stomach flu and the case of food poisoning, as the symptoms are often difficult to tell apart. These are two entirely different disorders although with entirely different roots. This article is intended to provide little information will help you understand the difference.

Often, when people get food poisoning make the comment that probably just caught influenza viruses or something because they show symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain. Often the other way too where people get the flu and think they have food poisoning.

This usually causes stomach flu is a viral infection in the digestive tract. To get the flu, you should avoid contact with the virus. This is often much easier.

The cause of food poisoning is usually a toxin produced by bacteria that grows in your food is not properly handled or stored. It won't take long for the bacteria to develop food, especially things such as meat, dairy products and sauces, which are not kept at temperatures below 40 degrees f. preservation food as at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees f calls for the disease.

There are some indicators that will help you truly suspect food poisoning or if it is not.

If people who share the same food developed the same type of symptoms, or if you develop these symptoms after eating food that has not been frozen, this rather poisoning. Symptoms may develop in both minimum 1 to 2 hours, and as much of the past 48 hours after eating bad food. The results of the standard type of food poisoning is as follows. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which can last for a period of approximately 12 to 48 hours.

A type of food poisoning is rare but often fatal sometimes called botulism. More than the number of times that this is caused by a bacteria that is formed when canned foods is incorrect. Foods that most often develop this are foods that are low in acid content such as beans and corn. What happens is a bacteria that do not get killed in the process of canning develops and expands into a toxin producing gyala. When someone mistakenly eats food become sick. Some of the symptoms that occur from this is double vision or blurred vision, and often have difficulty breathing and swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms after eating foods that have been handled in this way, then you should contact your medical facility immediately.

How to prevent food poisoning

You must run the following to avoid being poisoned by food:

Make sure you keep all your hot foods hot and cold meal your cold.
Verify that you cannot eat meat, sauces or salads or any other food that has been forgotten for more than two hours between the temperatures of 40 degrees f and 140 degrees f. called 20-40-140 rule.
Make sure the temperature in your refrigerator is between 34 and 40 degrees f. assure that using a thermometer.
Don't let the counter for meat to defrost, as it should be defrosted in the refrigerator or microwave, or.
Cleanliness is virtue. Make sure you keep all your utensils clean and wash your cutting boards and countertops very often. This is especially true after you have made the handling of meat and especially
Make sure that your hamburger Cook until it is cooked, and always cook your chicken until juices run clear through.
Never eat egg is fresh or raw sauces that have any eggs.
If you have any cans or jars with lids or proagwgeas leaks must be rejected.
Before you make any home canning or freezing must make sure that you understand how to do it correctly. If you have any questions about these types of processes, then a good place to contact is your local extension Office.
Food safety is very important to keep yourself healthy, and those for your cooking. Nobody ever wants to get sick because of food borne illness, and this can be avoided with proper care. Follow this advice and you must be your Favorites and get sick from it.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The concept of food poisoning


Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of food or a drink containing pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins or any type of poison and chemicals. The incidence of food poisoning is common between with hostels, Hotels, local and during the festival season. The usual story, a sudden appearance of similar symptoms in a group of people with a history of recent intake of food from the same source.

Types of food poisoning:

Bacterial food poisoning is the most affects caused by ingesting pathogenic bacteria or their toxins. Another type is called non-bacterial food poisoning is the presence of toxic chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals etc.

How occurs

1. the presence of bacteria in the water.
2. the raw materials for food products that may contain toxins.
3. premises where foodstuffs are prepared may contain microorganisms or toxins.
4. food handlers may have certain infectious diseases.
5. certain agencies such as the appearance of animated dogs, rats can contaminate foods.
6. If the prepared foods keep the room temperature for a long time, and when the food is heated again, there is a possibility for food poisoning.
7. someone Deliberately mixing toxins in food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings are as follows:

1. Salmonella food poisoning (Salmonella Typhimurium, salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella cholera suis):
These bacteria is present in milk, dairy products and eggs. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Fever is also common.

2. Botulism: this is the most dangerous type of food poisoning, caused by (Clostridium botulinum). These are spores from soil organisms, and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish. Compared with other food poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting and here are rare, but mainly affected the nervous system. Symptoms that begin with double vision, numbness and weakness. Later, there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure, leading eventually to death.

3.: Staphylococcal food poisoning caused by Staphylococcus aureus. They usually cause skin troubles such as boils and eruptions. Initially, causes mastitis cows, and milk and milk products, enters the body and cause gastroenteritis. There will be no vomiting, abdominal cramps with diarrhoea.

4. Closteridium: this food poisoning caused by Closteridium perfringens. They are present in the stool, soil and water. Entering the Body through meat, meat dishes, egg etc. The food poisoning occurs when articles are kept in the cooked food at room temperature for a long time, and again heated before consumption. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

5. Bacillus cereus: the spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis. Diarrhea and vomiting are common symptoms of this infection.

How to investigate foodpoisoning;

1. to examine each victim.
2. The water sample must be tested.
3. kitchen, warehouse and food samples should be examined.
4. cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.
5. specimens of vomitus and stool of all victims must be tested to determine the cause.

How to avoid

1. Only purified water should be used.
2. Hygiene must be maintained by all persons coming into contact with foodstuffs.
3. workers must use masks, caps and gloves during cooking and serving.
4. Sick persons should not come into contact with food materials.
5. unauthorized persons should not be allowed in the kitchen and storeroom.
6. Kitchen and rooms must be neat and clean.
7. vessels shall be washed with SOAP and hot water
8. you must not keep prepared food for a long time of room temperature.
9. all material food must be kept in closed containers.
10. the animals like dog, cat, rat, etc. It should not come into contact with materials for food.
11. fruit and vegetables should be washed before cooking.
12. fresh meat must be and must be purchased from a slaughterhouse.
13. To consume freshly prepared food.
14. Avoid prepared foods in the refrigerator and heating, this again before consumption.
15. The edible oils when used for processing must not be reused.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

The history of botulism

(Clostridium botulinum) is usually found in the ground throughout the world and is responsible for botulinum. Botulism is one of the most poisonous substances in the world and should be avoided at all costs.

In order to survive, must simply bacteria lacking air and mild temperatures. Although this may be killed by heat, it is very resilient and can survive in very high temperatures. Not only that, but botulism spores can be there for 100 years!

It occurs naturally in soil, in production and, especially, root vegetables. As the spores are exposed to air, it can prosper, but just have cut their supply of oxygen, the development process. One such case is when there are several canning temperatures high enough to kill bacteria and belong to the left to multiply in airless environment.

Botulism occurs most often in preserves of meat or canned vegetables, corn, lima beans, green beans, sauces or soups. In order to better protect yourself, it is important to know what your eating and mainly, the vessel comes in.

When you open a jar or a can, you should hear a sucking sound coming from this. If you do not hear this sound, this could mean that the seal was broken and it is not safe. Avoid cans are dented or proagwgeas, as they may be contaminated.

Remember that just because the content does not smell bad does not mean that it is safe. When in doubt about something, either spoil it or boil to kill bacteria.

Although botulism is a common bacteria found in soil, produces the toxin can be quite deadly. Each control can and bottle that you can open to make sure it does not appear to be corrupted and to ensure that you can hear the sound of breaking the seal. In case of doubt, safe and throw food-not worth the risk of the disease.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

The issue of safety and homemade baby food

Our web site receives e-mail about important or not homemade baby food is safe to use and parents should be fairly will concern about this issue. With all the e-coli poisoning going around these days, one cannot be too careful. Often these letters simply request additional information such as how food is processed, what are the advantages and disadvantages of your own, etc.

Canning your own baby food is both practical and cost effective but you must remember a few rules when canning food. As each home canner will tell you the best foods to employ for canning are those that are high in acid. Is this a high acid level that helps to eliminate the conditions conducive for bacteria to thrive and prosper in. Many beginners in the art of Canning House fails to realize that certain strains of bacteria prefer these lower acidic environments more aerobic. This applies especially for the extremely dangerous botulism spores.

Because the boiling water bath and traditional methods are best for high acid foods such as tomatoes and fruits which would do well to remember that now is not considered sufficient BWB for all tomato products. With the great progress that has been done with our modern tomato varieties, there are many who are no longer as acidic as it once was. These products have a pH slightly higher then 4.6 which makes them low acid. Can safely on these types of tomatoes in a boiling water bath canner, you will need to add either citric acid or lemon juice to the game.

I recommend that you follow these basic rules to safe canning.

1. Follow very strict hygiene home canning to eliminate the risk that un-necessary.

2. using a pressure canner for all low-acid foods. Make sure you boil foods for 20 minutes before eating canned foods you. With great loss of nutrients resulting from cooking for so long it tends to discourage canning your own baby food.

Keep in mind that hazardous spores of botulism is only able to be killed by super high heat found in a pressure canner. These are reasons that the authorities shall, on the recommendation that you be your own baby food.

For those who still want to do some original baby food establishment you should not rely on what is known as the "Ice cube tray. This method appears to offer greater security, and the most convenient methods which are available to store your homemade baby food properly. Please tell us your attention because babies using every home canned foods to feed your baby at risk by potentially deadly botulism infection.

Once your baby has reached beyond the age of a better digestive system to combat the botulism and is no longer a risk culture and thriving spores.

Copyright @ 2010-Joseph

www.Survival-Training info.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

There may be many reasons for dogs getting sick from eating food

There may be several reasons as to why your dog is sick from food. One of the main reasons is that the dog food can be convenient for your pet. In many cases, the cause may be that manufacturers of mixing other by-products of food that can be like a dog. Sometimes, was also withdrawn after dog food dogs have become sick and some unfortunate dogs also have died.

Why your dog is sick from food should also be analysed further. Sometimes if food becomes stale, can also cause the dog became ill. Old food or contaminated food can also be very sick dog. Old, contaminated or rotten food can also lead to botulism, food poising and other problems in dogs. In many cases, the dog also get worms from eating food that old or outdated. Sometimes water may also be a problem with food. Water should be changed daily and in warm weather, you must change at least twice a day. Remove any debris and foreign objects from food and water bowls and to ensure that it will give fresh water. Clear Bowl, at least once every few days.

If possible, you should give the homemade food. There are several home made recipes that are available. It could also make a lot of dog food and use for a few days. Additionally dogs should not be Uncooked food. This can be very sick. Further chocolates, mushrooms, nuts, garlic and sweet products should be avoided. Now you know why your dog sick from food quickly, if the dog has any of these products.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Timing is everything: Tips for successful introduction of solid foods

Getting a healthy start at the family table is important for infants. Parents play a major role in the development of healthy habits-right from the beginning. Entrance into the wide world of solid food is a major milestone for the baby, but it is important to enter into this new territory with clear goals in mind.

Generally speaking, infants begin eating sold foods between the ages of four and six months. The American Academy of Pediatrics the go to source of all healthy baby-related suggestions, recommends beginning solids no earlier than four to six months to avoid food allergies and other complications. Additionally, many pediatricians suggest giving cereal as a food item rather than adding it to the bottle. Signs of readiness to eat solid foods include: the ability to hold head up unassisted, showing interest in the formation and the others eat at mealtime, reaching a weight that is double that of baby's birth weight, and loss of the tongue reflex that prevents the baby from properly eating solid foods rather than drinking them. It is important to remember that the baby, even at six months, will receive most-if not all-of his or her daily nutritional needs from breast milk or formula. Food is being introduced a novelty item, not a primary source of energy.

After the baby has reached a stage when solid food can be introduced, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children begin with baby cereal. Oh, mixable, single grain baby cereal rice from the baby food aisle of the grocery store is the best bet for the first feedings. Leaving more complex baby cereals including wheat and barley may stave off food allergy reactions in very young babies. Of course, adult breakfast cereals from the aisle are not recommended because they do not meet the needs of a growing infant at this stage in development.

Texture and consistency are extremely important for the first feedings. Adding water, breast milk, or formula to the cereal, parents should take care to ensure the cereal is not overly lumpy or thick as this might prove difficult to swallow.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, most pediatricians, moms, and baby food cookbooks OK for introducing only one food at a time. Each single food should be served over the course of a few days. Taking this slow approach helps caregivers keep a watchful eye for dangerous food allergies. Some common food allergies are soy, wheat, milk, tree nut, peanut, egg, and shellfish. Allergic reactions in baby can take the form of loose, runny stools (diarrhea), vomiting, or even hives. If a parent makes a food and shortly thereafter the child experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, they should call their pediatrician for advice. Food allergies can be serious and need to be addressed quickly.

In the book Mommy and Daddy Made Too: Home Cooking for A Healthy Baby and Toddler, a book written by parents, Martha and David Kimmel for which has been helping parents ease children into solid food since 1990, the authors OK starting vegetables after the first two to three months of cereals. The idea is simple but elegant in its straightforwardness: leave the sweetest things and food items with the highest likelihood of allergy for last to keep baby safe and avoid developing a sweet tooth before the first tooth even sprouts! The Kimmels suggest this general rule of thumb for introduction of fruits and veggies, "yellow and pale orange first, next, dark green and red last." They also commands the following ingredients from dropping baby's diet in the first year entirely: white table sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, shellfish, eggs, fried foods, unripe fruit, chocolate, candy of any kind, potato chips, honey, tomatoes, corn, and processed meats like hot dogs or bologna.

It is particularly important to avoid the use of honey in baby food during the first year because, as the American Academy of Family Physicians notes, "Although the worldwide incidence of infant botulism is rare, the majority of cases are diagnosed in the United States. An infant botulism can acquire by ingesting Clostridium botulinum spores, which are found in soil or honey products. Infant botulism is no laughing matter, and while honey may have a sweet taste and many benefits to adults, it should not be given to infants under one year of age for this reason.

Another important points parents should take into consideration is their own diet. Beyond maintaining a good health for the parents own needs, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers need to be role models from the very start. Giving baby a healthy start means making healthy choices. Children model the things they see in their environment. A child is old enough to eat table food will notice his or her parent's choices and mimic them, for better or worse. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends child's, "For your sake as well as your own, cut out your salt use and watch how much fat you consume. Provide a good role model by eating a variety of healthy foods. "

There are two main options for parents in baby food: buy it at the store or make it at home. Many recipe books exist on the market for those interested in making their own home made baby food masterpieces. It can be cost effective and simple unlikely. Meanwhile, issues with baby food store has come a long way in recent times and also provides a flexible list of menu options for infants.

Recipes for home made baby food exist by the score on both internet sites such as or in the bookstore or library with titles like Mommy and Daddy, Too Fabricated or Simply Natural Baby Food. Homemade foods can coincide family dinners with similar ingredients and therefore be made at the same time or made ahead of time and stored Generally speaking, homemade baby foods consist of cooked vegetables or fruits that have been reduced to a nice glob of mush. This means that parents planning to go the do-it-yourself route will need a blender. Other handy items include: a paring knife, slotted spoons, spatulas, ladles, measuring cups, graters, colanders, saucepans with strainers, lids, and a vegetable steamer. Storage generally takes the form of freezing or placing in the refrigerator.

Buying baby food at the store is a good choice for busy parents and offers a wide selection of foods. Store issues with foods can be used in conjunction with homemade foods, as well. Organic baby foods exist for interested parents, in addition to more traditional baby foods. The packaging is portable and easily stored in the pantry or the refrigerator. As with any packaged food, parents should be careful not to purchase swollen packaging (can indicate spoilage) or packages with broken seals (indicative of possible tampering).

Baby's first foods are his or her gateway into a healthy life "filled with all the wonders of solid foods. Foods introduced at this age will shape children's eating patterns for the future. Whether making food at home or buying quality foods in the baby food aisle at the store, making good choices today will provide children with a good nutrition as they grow and takes on future in the years to come.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Tips for avoiding food poisoning

Food poisoning is a term that refers to a series of health issues caused by treat bacterial infections, viruses and parasites that can look at your food. Doctors say that actually get food poisoning more often than you think their constituent that whenever you have diarrhoea lasting more than 24 hours, is actually a food-borne illnesses and not just a "stomach bug." easy to avoid food poisoning if you prepare your food properly and safely. This article will outline some tips to help you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

There are several ways in which foodstuffs may become carriers for organisms and viruses that cause all the health problems associated with food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning is usually nausea and diarrhea, but it can even cause fever, fatigue, and muscle paralysis in the most extreme cases.

When you prepare food at home, there are some steps you can take to prevent sickening yourself and your loved ones. Here is a quick look at methods that you can customize to help protect yourself from catching these foodborne diseases.

Botulism. The bacteria called botulism usually comes from canned products. Therefore, be sure to store canned food, not after you open them. It is much smarter to spend the rest in a plastic container or plastic bag to preserve the botulism from growing in it. Also, like botulism can come in fresh foods such as tomatoes and peppers, maintaining production elements cooling can help. In addition, serve hot from the preparation of food.

Salmonella. Salmonella is another type of harmful bacteria that can store. It tends to appear in primary cells, such as eggs, meat and milk unpasteurized. Therefore, make sure to cook your food thoroughly and stay away from foods that are "hidden" raw ingredients, such as raw eggs in Caesar salad dressing. Also, salmonella is easily transferable from element to element, so try to avoid Cross-contamination while cooking. Use a cutting board and knife for meat, and the other for your vegetables.

Marine toxins. Shellfish and other marine products may contain bacteria and chemicals which cause food poisoning. Of course, the best way to protect yourself from marine toxins is to avoid eating raw seafood. However, you can probably still enjoy your sushi, you can stay away from barracuda and shellfish fisheries and used as bait. Also, returns attention algae in your area, if you receive local seafood. Red tides and dinoflagellate growths and contaminate your food.

These are some of the causes of food poisoning. To protect yourself from other types of bacteria, viruses and parasites, you can be sure to wash your food thoroughly, Cook the completely and to avoid cross-contamination.

However, it is not always possible to avoid food poisoning, particularly from restaurants. If you believe you have suffered from a food-borne diseases, should be assisted by legal counsel. For more information about food poisoning and other types of injuries checked out Austin lawyer Vic feazell today.